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Named after prolific gardener, Cathy Pasek and a Rotary member from 1994-2003, the Pasek Garden is located just inside Gillson Park between Sheridan and Michigan Ave. After Cathy  passed away, her family donated money to be used for the garden which was then in progress. Thus, the garden was named after Cathy and dedicated in 2004.
Over the last 16 years, Club members have spent many hours weeding, designing, re-designing, planting, and maintaining the garden in Spring, Summer and Fall. After a few years of minimal maintenance, the garden had become quite overgrown. In Summer 2008, a team removed all scrub plants, reworked the soil and installed new plantings including bulbs for the following Springs. The tall columnar boxwood was installed as the focal point in the hexagonal shaped raised garden.
By the Summer 2019 and 2020, the garden once again was overgrown. New teams of our members refreshed the garden with the goal to make this a self-sustaining perennial garden.
Scrub bushes were removed and replaced with small boxwoods to anchor four of the corners. A generous donation of perennials from a member’s garden filled open areas. There are a wide variety of plants that now populate this perennial garden. Spring brings a multitude of brightly colored tulips and daffodils. Summer and fall showcase white and pink knockout roses, Autumn joy sedum, weigela, coneflowers, phlox, rudbeckia, geranium, variegated grass, and large hostas.The Golden Spirit Smoke Tree is just to the East of the Pasek Garden and is a nice bright green contrast to the dark tree line behind.
The many current members that have helped maintain the garden over the years include Maureen Barry, Beth DeWall, Karen Donnan, Gil Gilbert, Ben Ivory, Corinne McClintic, and George Pearce. Each season, our dedicated team continued to nurture and maintain this high-profile garden. It is a visual testament to our Club’s dedication in keeping Wilmette beautiful. In 2022, the Wilmette Park District agreed to maintain this garden. The garden is located in Wilmette between Sheridan Rd. and Michigan Ave. at the south entrance to Gilson Park.