January 22 Program - George Heinrichs

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George Heinrichs, a health care communications expert, was our guest speaker at the Wednesday, January 22 morning meeting.  His presentation was filled with excellent advice.  He indicated that between 44,000 and 98,000 deaths occur each year due to miscommunications in the health care industry, often between patients and their doctors.  He outlined best practice solutions to improving communication with medical personnel.  Mr. Heinrichs has written articles and books on this subject -- his latest book is available on Amazon and is called "Did Your Doctor Pass Communications 101? How Miscommunication Endangers Your Life.."
January 22 Program - George Heinrichs 2025-01-27 06:00:00Z 0

July 10 Morning Program- Richard Koenig

Richard Koenig of Housing Opportunity Development Corp spoke to the morning group about the daunting task of building affordable housing on the North Shore. He showed photos of some recently built, affordable and very attractive, apartment buildings in Wilmette, Glenview, Highland park and other locations. It can take 4-6 years for a building to finally be constructed from concept to reality.  Many zoning regulations must be met and every step of the process is overseen by the local governments. There is always a long waiting list for tenants once a building is available to rent.
July 10 Morning Program- Richard Koenig 2024-07-17 05:00:00Z 0

Hope Walk for the Homeless - May 4 Event

Our Hope Walk for the Homeless  was last Saturday.  It was a good turnout, great weather, wonderful camaraderie, good exercise and healthy food.  Special thanks to Linda Gerber and the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club for providing the food and having so many members (15+) participate in the event. Members from the Glenview Sunrise, Winnetka /Northfield and Evanston Rotary Clubs participated, as well as representatives from Connections for the Homeless, La Casa Norte and Interfaith Action of Evanston.
We were honored to have the Wilmette Village President, Senta Plunkett and the 6440 District Governor, Mary Bak attending the event. 
It is not too late to make your contribution to this fundraiser.  Click HERE and scroll down to enter any amount you wish to donate. 
Hope Walk for the Homeless - May 4 Event 2024-05-07 05:00:00Z 0

March 13 Program - The Record North Shore

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Joe Coughlin is a co-founder and the editor in chief of The Record North Shore. The Record North Shore is a nonpartisan community newsroom dedicated to the North Shore suburbs of Chicago.  Joe spoke about the non-political nature of his publication, which is a non-profit and endeavors to bring unbiased, straightforward news of interest to the North Shore. He stressed the importance of feedback and information from his readers to keep the news stories current and relevant. Although The Record is free, a subscirption can be purchased which helps to keep the publication going. Joe was candid about need to keep the publication objective and report on newsworthy events that the public wants to know about.
March 13 Program - The Record North Shore 2024-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

February 20/28 Program - Sustainability in Wilmette

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Lucy Mellen, Sustainability Coordinator for the Village of Wilmette and Wilmette Park District gave an excellent and informative presentation about what "sustainability" is, what it looks like in Wilmette, and what you can do at home to be more environmentally-conscious.  Lucy enthusiastically related the projects that are ongoing and planned in Wilmette, including creating and maintaining native habitats, conserving water, reducing emissions, increasing energy efficiency and educatiing residents on the importance of sustainability. 
February 20/28 Program - Sustainability in Wilmette 2024-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Images from 2023

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A collection of images that have appeared in the Spoke for all of 2023 are featured on our website at wilmetterotary.org  I hope you enjoy reveiwing them.  There were a number of events for which I did not have photos.  Let's try to remember to take photos as events occur in 2024. Happy Holidays!
Rotary Images from 2023 2023-12-24 06:00:00Z 0

NO Happy Hour Jan 3

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Since Jan 3 is so close to the holidays, Frank Hussey suggested we cancel Happy Hour for this date, but will resume in February.  
Regular club meetings will begin in January with Lunch-packing on January 2, Morning and Noon meetings on January 10, and RAD meeting on January 16.
Check out the Calendar which can be accessed through wilmetterotary.org for all the scheduled meetings and speakers.
NO Happy Hour Jan 3 2023-12-23 06:00:00Z 0

Polio  Efforts in Pakistan

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The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries: Pakistan (Six Wild Polio cases reported in 2023.  Twenty Wild Polio cases reported in 2022) and Afghanistan (Six Wild Polio cases reported in 2023. Two Wild Polio Cases reported in 2022).   
The floods in 2022 were Pakistan’s worst natural disaster in decades highlighting multiple climatic vulnerabilities faced by the country. The human toll was tragically high with one third of the country submerged underwater, approximately 15,000 killed or injured and 8 million displaced This left the populations affected by the floods without access to healthcare.
This month, Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Remy Rioux, CEO of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) announced new commitments to support the objective of global polio eradication by 2026.  The funding – up to €20 million principal buy-down from the Gates Foundation will support Pakistan’s national health institutions and the Pakistan Polio Eradication Initiative to recover following impacts from the devastating floods in August 2022.
Polio Efforts in Pakistan 2023-12-23 06:00:00Z 0

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Task Force

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Our District 6440 is looking for members to volunteer to serve on the District Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, to implement our Strategic Plan Focus Area on DEI. This group will be the lead to establish a sustained District presence advocating DEI.  Please contact DGE Thor Davidson if you are interested in participating.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Task Force 2023-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

Mental Health Task Force

Mental Health Task Force:
FIRST MEETING SCHEDULED! Anyone who is interested in this area is encouraged to attend the Zoom meeting on Tuesday, December 19th at Noon. The meeting will be recorded for those unable to attend at that time. You can register HERE . Bob Anthony, a Rotarian from Naples, Florida, will be our speaker. Bob is a member of the Mental Health Initiatives Rotary Action Group, and will be speaking on how to get a Mental Health awareness committee started. Mental and emotional health are critical to our individual overall wellness and that of the communities that we serve. To Create Hope in the World, we must take action to erase the stigma associated with caring about emotional well-being, raise the awareness about mental health needs, and work to improve access to mental health services. 
Mental Health Task Force 2023-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

International Service Committee Update

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Our International Service Committee (ISC) met on Dec 7. The following are some of the highlights from that meeting:
>The budget will be $16,000 from the foundations plus escrow and reserve amount.
>The Ultrasound Global Grant in Uganda of a few years ago was able to save $20k and so will expand to serve another community with obstetric ultrasound services during prenatal visits.
>We provided $1,825 scholarships to Aktenamit in Guatemala for five young girls to attend school.
>The Rotary program of Scale application is due January 8.  We have 40 clubs signed support letters and $75,000 in pledges from clubs. The total grant is currently around $4.3 million.  We pledged $3,000 from the ISC budget.  We have submitted to the Gates foundation for their review.
International Service Committee Update 2023-12-16 06:00:00Z 0

Holiday Party Dec 13- A Nice Event

We had our annual Holiday Party at Valley Lo on December 13.  It was attended by 32 members and guests from all our groups.  The fully-catered dinner was by all accounts excellent and the service was exceptional.  Brian Bradley performed as DJ after dinner, and a few brave members got out on the dance floor. At the very last minute, a photo was taken with the few remaining attendees.
Holiday Party Dec 13- A Nice Event 2023-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

Secretay of State Event - Dec 2

Thanks to Rotary member Irene Paterno and her team from the Secretary of State's office, Bill and Luis, who held for us a RealID Moblie Signup in the Community Room on Saturday. We were able to complete 21 applications for RealIDs for those who made an appointment with me and also issued new State IDs, renewed or updated 4 regular driver's licenses and issued stickers for license plates.  It was a quick and easy process for those who came in and we are looking for out next date for this in about 6 months. 
Secretay of State Event - Dec 2 2023-12-03 06:00:00Z 0

Amazon Gifts for the Homeless- Update

We have met our goal of 100 Sleeping bags and blankets! We can now use our remaining budget for hats, gloves and scarves to buy for the homeless. Thanks to everyone who participated in this effort. Your contribution will go long way to helping the 100 homeless people living in a tent city under Chicago's expressway. The Sisters of Fraternite Notre Dame will be distributing the items soon.
Amazon Gifts for the Homeless- Update 2023-12-02 06:00:00Z 0

Holiday Order Distribution

Our Holiday Fundraiser has ended and although the final numbers are not yet in, it was a success! Now it is time to distribute the orders.  Members who were designated by the purchasers should pick up the gift items on Saturday December 9. Lists will be distributed to those members indicating which items need to be delivered. Items will be available for pick up from the garage at 822 Chestnut, Wilmette from 9:00am-10:30am on December 9. It is very important that these items are picked up on Satruday and delivered as soon as possible.  If you are unable to come to pick up your items, please ask someone else to do this for you. 
Holiday Order Distribution 2023-11-30 06:00:00Z 0

Coat Distribtution - Nov 21

Warm coats were distributed to those in need at St. Thomas of Canterbury School in Uptown on Nov 21. Rotarians George Pearce, Puran Stevens and Terry Porter were there to assist. "The kids love getting new coats.  Such a great project", related George Pearce who organized our participation in this event.
Coat Distribtution - Nov 21 2023-11-24 06:00:00Z 0

Winter Warmth Event- Nov 11

Winter Warmth event, hosted by Connections for the Homeless, was well- attended by Rotarian volunteers. Volunteers distributed coats, boots and other necessities for the frigid Illinois weather to community members in need. Every year, Winter Warmth distributes winter gear to anyone who needs it, without having to turn away recipients, which Connections’ Chief Executive Officer Betty Bogg said is usually the hardest part of the organization’s work. Connections anticipated approximately 500 participants to attend. 
Winter Warmth Event- Nov 11 2023-11-16 06:00:00Z 0

Lunch-Packing Nov 7

Thanks to everyone who came and helped make sandwiches and lunches for Connections for the Homeless in Evanston, John andYvonne Held, Mariana, Mary White, Mojgan Bowers, John Kilner, Jim Pockross, Frank Chesswick, George Pearce, Laurie and Mike Cavalier and Ellen Fox.  On 11/7 we were able to pack 170 lunches and made 197 sandwiches that were delivered on 11/8. Thanks to Martha Sheridan for helping with the packing and loading. 
Lunch-Packing Nov 7 2023-11-16 06:00:00Z 0

Ceremony of Gratitude

Every year on Thanksgiving day, I, Jim Pockross, conduct a Ceremony of Gratitude.  This year will be its 49th year. The ceremony is simple. A group of people get  together and simply say what they are grateful for in their lives when their turn comes. I have done this many times with the morning group, and participants feel the event is meaningful for them given that the day is Thanksgiving.  For many of us the Thanksgiving holiday is one of family, food, fun and football. The Ceremony  of Gratitude connects us to being thankful on the special  day.

All members are welcome to join in. This will be done over ZOOM on Thursday,  November 23 at 10:00 a.m., so it doesn’t interfere with the day or watching all the football games. A ZOOM link will be emailed out shortly before Thanksgiving.

I hope you can join in.
Ceremony of Gratitude 2023-11-03 05:00:00Z 0

Holiday Party - Ticket Deadline  Dec 9

Our gala Holiday Party for all club members and guests will be on Wednesday, December 13 at the beautiful Vally Lo club in Glenview.  The evening begins at 6pm and ends at 9pm.  There will be cash bar, and a sumptuous 3-course sit-down dinner will be served at 7pm. Dinner entree choices will include a 8oz filet of beef with bordelaise sauce, or a seared Atlantic salmon with lemon dill sauce, or grilled vegetables and parisian potatoes with vegan marinara sauce. Caesar salad and sides of mashed potatoes and asparagus included, with a chocolate sundae for dessert.
The cost per person is $60. Register online at GALADeadline to register is Saturday December 9. If you will be sending a check or paying at the door, inform Yvonne Sito ( yvonne@atproperties.com ) so you will be included in the headcount for meals.
Holiday Party - Ticket Deadline Dec 9 2023-11-03 05:00:00Z 0

New Trier Swing Choir Coming to Happy Hour- Dec 6

The Happy Hour on December 6 will be an informal holiday celebration.  Those attending will be treated to a performance by the New Trier Swing Choir. It will be a special performance of holiday favorites and guests are welcome to attend. A donation of $10 is suggested.
Members attending are asked to bring an appetizer or sweet dessert. Even birthdates bring an appetizer and odd birthdates bring a dessert.  The club will provide wine, beer, water, & coffee.  
Contact Frank Cheswick  ( frankcheswick@gmail.com )  to RSVP and/or offer to help set-up and clean-up after the event.
New Trier Swing Choir Coming to Happy Hour- Dec 6 2023-11-03 05:00:00Z 0

In Memoriam - Marsh Hammersley

We were notified by Susan Hammersley,  daughter of long-time member Marsh Hammersley, that Marsh passed away on October 27. The obituary will be published in the Chicago Tribune and on legacy.com. Marsh had been a member of our Club from 1986 to 2022. He is best remembered for his dedication to Rotary and to his family.  Sympathy cards may be sent to Susan Hammersley1346 West Belmont, Unit 3, Chicago, IL 60657
In Memoriam - Marsh Hammersley 2023-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

Visiting Rotarian - Irene Owe

Rotarian, Irene Owe from the Rotary Club of Sapele Gateway, Nigeria, visited our club last week.  Irene told us about some of the challenges her club has addressed, especially in fighting covid and polio. Irene is currently Club President. We were pleased to welcome her to our meeting.  Her daughter who lives in Evanston joined as well.
Visiting Rotarian - Irene Owe 2023-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

Community Service Update

At the Community Service meeting last week, we discussed many upcoming projects and groups and voted to allocate part of our combined budgets to the following projects:
  • Project Warm Coat Drive for St. Thomas of Canterbury
  • Lunches for Connections for the Homeless
  • Building Peaceful Bridges
  • Meals on Wheels Northshore
  • Family Promise, Chicago Northshore
  • Our Place
We are going to be working on getting sponsorships from local businesses and groups to reduce our budget for Lunches for Connections for the Homeless to free up funds for other projects.
Community Service Update 2023-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

Blood Drive -  Nov 3

he Bi-Monthly Blood Drive, sponsored by Rotary Club of Wilmette Blood Drive Committee Co-Chairs, Frank Candioto and Nick Dallas, will take place at (or about) Noon, on Friday, November 3rd, 2023, at the Vitalant Blood Donation Center at 2436 Main Street (South Side of the Street, 1 Block East of the North Shore Channel), Evanston ((877) 258-4825) .
Although walk-ins are taken, it is usually best to secure, in advance, a Vitalant Donor ID Card.  After donating we will reconvene at Dengeo's, 3301 Main Street, Skokie, for lunch - Nick will buy lunch for any donor who shows up (except Frank).

Why waste money on expensive plasmapheresis procedures, like Danica Patrick, when you can essentially gain the same benefit with a little free bloodletting and save three lives in the process?
Blood Drive - Nov 3 2023-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

Amazon Gifts for Homeless

We have had a great response to our Sleeping Bag and Blanket Drive for the Homeless but I have have extended the deadline to Dec. 8th so we can get our final purchases in and delivered directly to the Sisters.  We still have 4 more Sleeping bags and 1 more pack of blankets available to purchase.  Help us meet our goal. We can use our remaining budget for this project to buy hats. gloves and scarfs for the homeless as we can already feel it is gong to be cold winter.   
This project provides sleeping bags and blankets for the 100 homeless people living in a tent city under Chicago's expressway.  These people have been adopted by the Fraternite Notre Dame Sisters who run the bakery in Wilmette and have their Mother Home in Chicago. They have worked in Chicago's poorest neighborhoods for many years helping the homeless to survive.  We annually coordinate with them to provide what they tell us are the needs of these homeless individuals. 
Thanks to everyone who has bought so far. Items can be purchased HERE with direct shipment to Fraternite Notre Dame.  
Amazon Gifts for Homeless 2023-10-28 05:00:00Z 0

Holiday Fundraiser - Last Week To Order/Donate

Our Holiday Fundraiser is nearly over and your participation is needed. Go to www.rotarygifts.com today!  Order gift items, buy Raffle tickets, or just donate to contribute to the humanitarian and philanthropic projects your club supports. 
Don't forget to contact your friends, relatives, business contacts, etc. to let them know about this great opportunity for charitable giving before yearend. 
Important Deadlines:
Saturday, December 2 -  Jim Bowman will be at Panera in Wilmette from 9:00am to 10:00am. All outstanding checks and paper orders must be given to Jim at this time. 
Wednesday, December 13 - Last chance to buy Raffle Tickets, which will be offered at the Holiday Party at Valley Lo
The gift items this year include wines, chocolates, cheese, smoked salmon, olive oils, and more.  Members are expected to purchase, sell, or donate to this fundraiser.  Emails have been sent to members to explain the specifics of the Holiday Fundraiser.  Questions should be directed to Jim Pockross mpockross@comcast.net
Holiday Fundraiser - Last Week To Order/Donate 2023-10-21 05:00:00Z 0

End Polio Now Drive - Oct 21

Several members, Frank Hussey, Frank Cheswick, Jim Pockross, John Kessler, Debora Morris and a Rotary friend, Aly Jiwani and his dog Benjy, volunteered to collect donations at the Jewel and Grand Foods last Saturday.  We collected $516 through online donations and over $600 in cash.  Donations are tripled by the Gates Foundation, so this was a worthwhile endeavor. Members can still contribute online by clicking HERE
End Polio Now Drive - Oct 21 2023-10-21 05:00:00Z 0

RESCHEDULED:  Important Community Service Meetimg Oct. 24

We have rescheduled our Community Service Committee meeting as a Zoom meeting for this Tuesday, October 24 at 7pm. Last week's meeting was cancelled due to a double booking at the Yacht Club. I would like everyone who is interested in being a part of the Community Service Committee to attend. We will be discussing our combined budget and vote on projects to take on for this Rotary Year.

Several groups have approached me for projects and assistance, and there may be projects that members want to make sure we include. Our primary focus will continue to be Lunches for Connections for the Homeless and we are scheduling for May of 2024 our Hope Walk for Homeless.  We are also working on Operation Warm Coast for this fall. We have a lot of other worthy groups, and I know there are some projects from the Morning group that they would like to continue. We need look at what projects people want to do and fund, and what funds we have available to commit to them.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Tuesday. Contact me (brian.b@comcast.net) or Debora (debora@pftl.net) to get the Zoom link. If you can't attend but have a project or request, send me an email. 
RESCHEDULED: Important Community Service Meetimg Oct. 24 2023-10-13 05:00:00Z 0

Zone Institute - Volunteers Needed

Zone Institute From October 18-22, 2023 over 300 Rotarians who are District Governors-Elect, District Governors-Nominee, District Governors, and District Chairs from Zones 25B and 29 will arrive in Evanston, IL for 5 days to attend the 2023 Learning and Zone Institute. You are needed to help support this experience that “will be beneficial to all concerned”. Rotarians can serve as Greeters at O'Hare airport or with the 3 hotels in Evanston, or serve as Ambassadors throughout the 5 days to assist attendees with their way around local hotels, within One Rotary Center, and to other designated venues both in Evanston and Chicago. See the descriptions below and sign up to be a part of the “Zone Institute Experience” at one of the links below. For more information, contact PDG Osei David Andrews-Hutchinson, Zone Institute Chair at dg6450osei@gmail.com
Rotary Zone Ambassadors : Act as a knowledgeable liaison for attendees. Provide directions to meetings, hotels, buses, and venues. Consult with Ambassador Chair with unexpected questions
Rotary Zone Greeters: Engage Institute attendees at Chicago O’Hare Airport. Provide direction to shuttles at the airports for transportation to 3 Rotary hotels in Evanston or One Rotary Center in Evanston
Zone Institute - Volunteers Needed 2023-10-13 05:00:00Z 0

October 11 Morning Program - Drs. Parag V Patel/ Erin Nasrallah

Drs. Patel and Nasrallah spoke to us about their organization, Global Foundation for International Cardiac and Community Services.  They offer unique opportunities for medical practitioners in Kenya to expand their individual skills and knowledge with the goal of providing improved health care and health equity to their own communities. They also collaborate with local community organizations to provide health care, education and leadership development.
October 11 Morning Program - Drs. Parag V Patel/ Erin Nasrallah 2023-10-13 05:00:00Z 0

October 11 Noon Program - Meals on Wheels

Deborah Mack, Executive Director for Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois (MWNEI) spoke to the RAD group about this organization's customized meal services. MWNEI is an amazing movement of neighbors volunteering to deliver fresh, healthy and delicious meals to those who are unable to prepare their own food at home. They serve not only senior citizens but also people with physical or cognitive disabilities and those who need help during a specific medical situation like recovering from surgery.  Unlike other organizations with the same name, Deborah's group customizes meal choices that are prepared according to hospital specifications. The food is high quality and is available to anyone in the region who requests it; the meals are paid for by the recipients on a sliding scale based on income.
October 11 Noon Program - Meals on Wheels 2023-10-13 05:00:00Z 0

Happy Hour - October 4

Fellowship meeting, Happy Hour, was enjoyed by several members and spouses October 4 at the Wilmette Harbor Club, Delicious pizza from Lefty's in Wilmette, wine and  other beverages were available. It was also Frank Wertymer's birthday and a cake was presented to him.  This monthly gathering is a wonderful way for members to get better acquainted in a social setting.
Happy Hour - October 4 2023-10-08 05:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day - October 24

World Polio Day is a time for Rotary members, public health advocates, and all who want a world free from polio to come together, recognize our progress in the fight to end polio, and talk about the actions we need to take in order to end polio for good. It is good to remember that 20,500,000 children have been saved from the paralysis of polio as a result of this combined effort.
There are only two countries left in the world where polio is still endemic in the population, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Wild polio cases are still being reported there.  Donations are the best way to end polio once and for all. Click HERE to learn more.
Glenn Garlick, district End Polio Now chair, will be speaking our club in November and will update us on the program.
World Polio Day - October 24 2023-10-07 05:00:00Z 0

Lunch-packing October 3

Thanks to everyone who came on Oct 3 to pack lunches and make sandwiches.  I was able to deliver 160 lunch bags and 15 extra sandwiches today to Connections for the Homeless in Evanston.  Volunteers included Puran Stevens, Mojgan Bowers, Mariana Al Far, Kurt Zoller, Erin Lyons, Martha Sheridan, Dave and Ellen Fox, Irene Paterno and Patty Ohle.  Special thanks to Martha and Kurt who came back this morning and got the sandwiches in the bags and the bags to my car. 
Lunch-packing October 3 2023-10-06 05:00:00Z 0

Brent Hendricks Running for Alzheimer's Assoc.

I am running the Chicago Marathon this Sunday October 8, to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association.  My father Wayne passed away last year from the disease. This is my third year running the marathon to support the organization.  It's an awful disease that needs a cure. If you are interested in supporting my run and fighting the disease you can use the following link.   
Brent Hendricks Running for Alzheimer's Assoc. 2023-10-06 05:00:00Z 0

September 27 Programs- Lori Lucchetti/Terri Guercio

Lori Lucchetti, co-founder of Building Peaceful Bridges spoke to our Morning group about the scope of this organization. Primarily organized to help refugees settle and assimilate to life in the US. They assist with rent, groceries, clothing, tutoring, and job search, as well as helping refugees study for citizenship. But most of all the volunteers offer friendship;  they meet regularly with refugee families and host cultural events. We were also very pleased to hear from Ismail Moradi a refugee from Afghanistan who was an interpreter for the US military.  He and his family were evacuated when the US pulled out of his country, which made him become a target for the Taliban because of his work with the US    .https://www.buildingpeacefulbridges.org/
Terri Guercio of the Three Pillars Initiative spoke to the Noon group. Terri explained that this is a 501(c)(3) philanthropy service organization whose mission is to create youth philanthropy education programs to prepare the next generation of charitable sector leaders. High school juniors from area schools apply for the program and commit to involvement until they graduate high school. They learn the art, science and business of philanthropy, through fundraising, charitable giving and service projects.   https://www.threepillarsinitiative.org/
September 27 Programs- Lori Lucchetti/Terri Guercio 2023-09-30 05:00:00Z 0

District Learning Event - October 14

For members only:  Registration for District 6440’s Fall Learning event, “Growing Stronger Together” is officially open!  This event is open to all Rotarians and is offered to you at no charge!
When: Saturday, October 14, 2023.  7:45am to Noon
Where:: Harper College's Wojcik Conference Center, conveniently located at 1200 W. Algonquin Rd., Palatine. 
Membership session: Discover strategies and best practices for attracting new members, improving retention, and fostering growth within your club.
Community Service session: Learn how to create dynamic and engaging community service projects that make a real impact and inspire others to get involved.
Leveraging Social Media session: Explore the power of social media and how it can be used effectively to build your club's presence and enhance its brand image.
ClubRunner session: Enhance your understanding of and comfort level with ClubRunner, a powerful tool that streamlines club management and communication.
Rotary Basics for New Members: A special session designed to provide a comprehensive overview of Rotary's mission, values, and structure, catering specifically to our new members.
Networking Opportunities
District Learning Event - October 14 2023-09-24 05:00:00Z 0

In Memoriam - Jim Hardee

Former member and past president, Jim Hardee, passed away on August 30 in Florida.  Jim was club president during the  2015-2016 Rotary year. Jim introduced our Club to a Highway Clean-up  program and participated with Nick Dallas in this effort. His obituary can be seen at http://heathfuneralchapel.com/obituaries
In Memoriam - Jim Hardee 2023-09-23 05:00:00Z 0

Disaster Relief for Maui and Morocco

TRF Earthquake Response Fund - The Rotary Foundation Trustees established a new Morocco Earthquake Response Fund in September 2023 to support immediate relief efforts for people affected by the devastating earthquakes. Contributions will be accepted until 31 December 2023. To contribute online, click 
ShelterBox is on the ground in Morocco - Teams are assessing the severe damage to villages  and providing temporary shelter and supplies.  If you wish to donate you can do so online at www.ShelterBoxUSA.org or mail gifts to: ShelterBox USA P.O. Box 103299 Pasadena, CA 91189-3299.
The Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield is currently raising funds for an NGO in Timoullit, Morocco, which is the birth home of Winnetka-Northfield Rotarian, Moha Bouacha. Donations to the earthquake victims in this area may be made to the Winnetka-Northfield Rotary Charitable Foundation online here. 
Maui Relief -  Rotary District 5000, Hawaii, has established a Maui Fire Relief Fund through their Foundation. The Hawaii Rotary District Foundation is a registered 501c3. The Maui Fire Relief Fund aims to provide immediate assistance and long-term recovery support to the people of Maui, as they navigate the path to rebuilding their lives and communities. effectively. You may find all the details at https://rotaryd5000.org/ if you would like to contribute. ShelterBox USA is not responding with direct support to Maui, however they have announced a $50,000 donation to the Rotary District 5000 Fire Relief Fund.
Disaster Relief for Maui and Morocco 2023-09-23 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Means Business Networking

Rotary Means Business is an International as well as community-based effort to encourage Rotarians to conduct business with other Rotarians (and Non-Rotarians alike) while making an impact on the broader community.  Great opportunituy for club members, others in the community and business contacts to network with the broader community of business around the Chicagoland area. They have been meeting monthly since this summer and the next meeting is on October 11th starting at 5:30 pm.  The event details are below:

Location:  Ki's Steak and Seafood, 705 North Avenue, Glendale Heights, IL 60139   Link to register:   

Rotary Means Business Networking 2023-09-23 05:00:00Z 0

Beach Sweep - September 16

Organized by Ben Ivory and Chris Simcox, this event was coordinated with Springman Middle School kids and the Alliance for the Great Lakes. Several members and a couple of wives showed up to assist in sorting out the debris collected by the kids. Even though the beach was "cleaned" that morning by Park District vehicles, the kids found lots of additional debris, as seen by the photo.  This project is part of the environmental focus of our club.
Beach Sweep - September 16 2023-09-17 05:00:00Z 0

Block Party Sept 9

A team of Rotarians worked at our table in the Kids Zone at the Block Party.  Organized by George Pearce, members from all our groups were there to give prizes to kids who spun our roulette wheel.  Several potential members stopped by to talk about what our Rotary Club is all about.  Frank Cheswick, Brian Bradley and George Pearce were amazing with helping the kids to spin the wheel and choose prizes. Mariana Alfar's enthusiasm encouraged several people to stop by to talk about membership possibilitites.  It was great fun and gave our Club some good exposure to the community.
Block Party Sept 9 2023-09-17 05:00:00Z 0

Evanston Rotary Gala

Join the Rotary Club of Evanston for a delightful evening at The Alcove Restaurant in Evanston, where they bring you the perfect combination of flavors. Prepare your taste buds for an unforgettable experience! This in-person event promises to be an epic celebration of culinary delights.  All  proceeds will benefit Evanston Food Security.
Event: An Evening of Epic Pairings
Location: The Alcove
Date and time: 18 October from 5.30pm to 8.00pm
Details: There will be gourmet epicurious appetizers created by our very own member Chef Elio that will be paired with wine and beer options.
Ticket Price: $125 Regular Price 
Evanston Rotary Gala 2023-09-17 05:00:00Z 0

Local Events of Interest

Wilmette Theater  (wilmettetheater.com)  Upcoming Events-  
Cult Classic Film Series - The First Thursday Of Every Month October- May.  Sophia Steak Wilmette as a sponsor of this Series will offer a movie trivia contest and a chance to win a $50 Ballyhoo Hospitality gift card. Movies in the series are: Ordinary People: October 5;  The Exorcist: November 2;  The Omega Man: December 7;  Zulu: January 4
Local Events of Interest 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Wilmette Block Party Sept 9

A team of Rotarians worked at our table in the Kids Zone at the Block Party.  Organized by George Pearce, members from all our groups were there to give prizes to kids who spun our roulette wheel.  We had so many kids come by, we ran out of prizes about halfway through and had to quickly buy more to last until 4pm. In additon, several potential members stopped by to talk about what our Rotary Club is all about.  Frank Cheswick, Brian Bradley and George Pearce were amazing with helping the kids to spin the wheel and choose prizes. Mariana Alfar's enthusiasm encouraged several people to stop by to talk about membership possibilitites.  It was great fun and gave our Club some good exposure to the community.
Wilmette Block Party Sept 9 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Local News of Interest

Today, the work of empowering voters and defending democracy is more critical than ever. Join the LWV Wilmette for a screening of No Time to Fail, a feature-length documentary that chronicles the work of Rhode Island election administrators in 2020. The screening takes place on Monday, September 11, at the Wilmette Public Library at 1:00 pm.
You can also find out how to become an election judge in Cook County and talk to an experienced election judge about the process. This event is free and open to everyone.
Local News of Interest 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Local News of Interest

Today, the work of empowering voters and defending democracy is more critical than ever. Join the LWV Wilmette for a screening of No Time to Fail, a feature-length documentary that chronicles the work of Rhode Island election administrators in 2020. The screening takes place on Monday, September 11, at the Wilmette Public Library at 1:00 pm.
You can also find out how to become an election judge in Cook County and talk to an experienced election judge about the process. This event is free and open to everyone.
Local News of Interest 2023-09-10 05:00:00Z 0

Happy Hour - September 6

Last Wednesday was Happy Hour at the Wilmette Harbor Club. Frank Cheswick supplied some fabulous sandwiches, and salads. About 35 members from all our groups attended. We were delighted to learn that Frank Hussey's birthday was that day.  His wife surprised him with a cake (which also became dessert for everyone). A good time was had by all.
Happy Hour - September 6 2023-09-09 05:00:00Z 0

September is Education and Literacy Month

From DG Mary Bak - September is Rotary's Basic Education and Literacy Month, meaning that clubs should consider a special focus on Education and Literacy. Did you know that more than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate? That's 17% of the world's population; the number in Illinois is roughly 20% with low literacy. There are so many opportunities to address literacy: mentoring students, reading to students, creating little libraries, book drives, Rotary scholarships-Global Grant scholarships (Jim Bradley of the Wheeling Club)  and Club Sponsored Scholarships. 
September is Education and Literacy Month 2023-09-09 05:00:00Z 0

50-year Member Don Olson Moves to Wisconsin.

Don Olson has been with the Rotary Club of Wilmette since 1973.  During this time he actively served in many roles, including president twice. Don has moved to Wisconsin and has joined the Rotary Club of South Madison.  He will be missed, but hopefully, he will drop in to see us sometime.
50-year Member Don Olson Moves to Wisconsin. 2023-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

August 23 Programs -Go Green Wilmette and Phil Andrew

Our morning group heard from Phil Andrew and Beth Drucker spoke to the noon group.
Phil Andrew, principal of the Pax Group, LLC spoke to us about the prevalence of gun violence in the US compared to the rest of the world.  Phil explianed how even though mass shootings (4 or more killed) are increasing, most gun deaths occur with one or two people killed.  He also said that the most popular rifle, based on sales in the US, is the semi-automatic AR-15. The US far exceeds the number of gun deaths of any nation in the world.  
Beth Drucker founded Go Green Wilmette whose mission is to raise environmental awareness, inspire people to take action, and create a more sustainable community.  She told us about the many programs and initiatives that Go Green Wilmette has begun and actively promotes, including composting, installing heat pumps, using solar energy, conserving energy, recycling properly.  For more information visit https://gogreenwilmette.org/
August 23 Programs -Go Green Wilmette and Phil Andrew 2023-09-03 05:00:00Z 0

Community Service  Opportunities

Hands-On Service Sub-Committee: John Held has agreed to help form a sub-committee that will focus on finding hands-on service opportunities for our members who want to be more involved and work directly with organizations and clients.  Please reach out to John if that is something you want to become more involved with. johnjheld@gmail.com
Diaper Distribution:  Had some follow up from Tina Kalil from Bundled Blessings, a diaper bank on the north shore.  If anyone is interested in volunteering with them to load and unload diapers or coordinate a diaper drive for Wilmette, contact her at here
Building Peaceful Bridges: If anyone wants to volunteer to help build a team or assist a refugee family with the folks from Building Peaceful Bridges, please let me know and I will put you in contact with Lori or visit their website here 
Community Service Opportunities 2023-09-02 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for September 12, 2022

Upcoming Meetings and Events
September 14, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Mike DiGirolamo, Audience Engagement Associate Mongabay - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Mike will present on Mongabay: Reporting from Nature's Frontline.  Hybrid Meeting: In person at 20 Harbor Drive or on Zoom
September 17, 2022 - RCWH Annual Beach Sweep at the Gillson Park - Meet at the Beach House - 9:00am to 11:00am
As usual, we will have 60-90 students from Springman Middle School. We still need volunteers to help with the event. Contact rotary.club.wilmette.harbor@gmail.com for more information.
September 21, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Richard Brill - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Official Governor Visit.  Hybrid Meeting: In person at 20 Harbor Dr. in Wilmette or on Zoom.
September 28, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Emily Schnell - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Emily Schnell, LCSW, Executive Director.  Emily has been with the Warming House for 8 years, beginning as a graduate level intern. She completed her undergraduate degree in sociology at St. Norbert College and received her Master's in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago in 2017.  During her presentation Emily will share more about the Warming House and the work that has been at the forefront of the agency's focus for 51 years.  In person at 20 Harbor Dr. in Wilmette or on Zoom Link
November 16, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Sylvia Berman-Peck - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Sylvia will present on the different activities and support services we at Our Place of New Trier provide for our participants - teens and young adults with Intellectual & Developmental disabilities - so that they can live meaningful, productive, socially connected lives right here in their home community. Presenting will be Lisa Flanagan, the Executive Director of Our Place, and Sylvia Berman-Peck, the new Development Director.  Hybrid Meeting: In person at 20 Harbor Drive or on Zoom

Recent Meetings and Events
September 10, 2022 - THE Wilmette Block Party (Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor Booth) - Downtown Wilmette 
Wow! Wilmette can really throw a great party.  We really enjoyed seeing everyone.  Thank you for visiting our booth.
News Story for September 12, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-09-12 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for September 6, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
November 16, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Sylvia Berman-Peck - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Sylvia will present on the different activities and support services we at Our Place of New Trier provide for our participants - teens and young adults with Intellectual & Developmental disabilities - so that they can live meaningful, productive, socially connected lives right here in their home community. Presenting will be Lisa Flanagan, the Executive Director of Our Place, and Sylvia Berman-Peck, the new Development Director.  Hybrid Meeting: In person at 20 Harbor Drive or on Zoom

Recent Meetings and Events
News Story for September 6, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for August 29, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
August 31, 2022 - Club Form - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Review club survey.  Split in to committees to create action items.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom.
September 7, 2022 - Social Event - Wilmette Harbor Club - 6:00 pm
Join us for drinks, pizza, and conversation.  Guests are welcome!

Recent Meetings and Events
August 24, 2022 - Club forum.  We discussed club business. 
August 17, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers - Book Overview, Safe Landing - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Kim will provide an overview of the book, Safe Landing, by Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers.
This book tells the incredible journey of three siblings over the last 40+ years grieving their parents' sudden loss, coming together as a family, and working hard to honor the lives of all 273 lost on Flight 191. It's an inspirational Chicago story about love, family, and how tragedy gets a big word, but it never gets the final word.
August 10, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Greg Simetz - Meals on Wheels: More Than a Meal
Greg Simetz is the Community Outreach Director for Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois . Maxine Patronik is the Volunteer Coordinator. They will speak about this organizations operation including the broad reach of the area they serve.  
August 3, 2022 - Social Event 
Drinks, pizza, ice cream, and conversation.  Guests are welcome!

July 26, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Heidi Voorhees 
Heidi Voorhees provided a detailed presentation on The Great Resignation and how it is impacting employers, employees and restructuring the workplace. 

July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders 
Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.

Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project
Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


News Story for August 29, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-08-29 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for August 22, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
August 24, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Rich Lalley - Operation Warm - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Rich will provide an update on Operation Warm and our local plans in 2022.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom.
August 31, 2022 - Club Form - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom.
September 7, 2022 - Social Event - Wilmette Harbor Club - 6:00 pm
Join us for drinks, pizza, and conversation.  Guests are welcome!

Recent Meetings and Events
August 17, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers - Book Overview, Safe Landing - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Kim will provide an overview of the book, Safe Landing, by Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers.
This book tells the incredible journey of three siblings over the last 40+ years grieving their parents' sudden loss, coming together as a family, and working hard to honor the lives of all 273 lost on Flight 191. It's an inspirational Chicago story about love, family, and how tragedy gets a big word, but it never gets the final word.
August 10, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Greg Simetz - Meals on Wheels: More Than a Meal
Greg Simetz is the Community Outreach Director for Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois . Maxine Patronik is the Volunteer Coordinator. They will speak about this organizations operation including the broad reach of the area they serve.  
August 3, 2022 - Social Event 
Drinks, pizza, ice cream, and conversation.  Guests are welcome!

July 26, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Heidi Voorhees 
Heidi Voorhees provided a detailed presentation on The Great Resignation and how it is impacting employers, employees and restructuring the workplace. 

July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders 
Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.

Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project
Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


July 6, 2022 -- Evening Social Event
Last Wednesday's evening social event was a great way to start the month.  It was a beautiful night at the harbor.  We enjoyed good food and great company.  Guests are always welcome.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
News Story for August 22, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-08-22 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for August 14, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
August 17, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers - Book Overview, Safe Landing - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Kim will provide an overview of the book, Safe Landing, by Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers.
This book tells the incredible journey of three siblings over the last 40+ years grieving their parents' sudden loss, coming together as a family, and working hard to honor the lives of all 273 lost on Flight 191. It's an inspirational Chicago story about love, family, and how tragedy gets a big word, but it never gets the final word.  Q&A to follow.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom
August 24, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Rich Lalley - Operation Warm - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Rich will provide an update on Operation Warm and our local plans in 2022.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom.

Recent Meetings and Events
August 10, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Greg Simetz - Meals on Wheels: More Than a Meal
Greg Simetz is the Community Outreach Director for Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois . Maxine Patronik is the Volunteer Coordinator. They will speak about this organizations operation including the broad reach of the area they serve.  
August 3, 2022 - Social Event 
Drinks, pizza, ice cream, and conversation.  Guests are welcome!

July 26, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Heidi Voorhees 
Heidi Voorhees provided a detailed presentation on The Great Resignation and how it is impacting employers, employees and restructuring the workplace. 

July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders 
Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.

Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project
Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


July 6, 2022 -- Evening Social Event
Last Wednesday's evening social event was a great way to start the month.  It was a beautiful night at the harbor.  We enjoyed good food and great company.  Guests are always welcome.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
News Story for August 14, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-08-14 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for August 8, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
August 10, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Greg Simetz - Meals on Wheels: More Than a Meal - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Greg Simetz is the Community Outreach Director for Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois . Maxine Patronik is the Volunteer Coordinator. They will speak about this organizations operation including the broad reach of the area they serve.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Drive in Wilmette and on Zoom
August 17, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers - Book Overview, Safe Landing - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Kim will provide an overview of the book, Safe Landing, by Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers.
This book tells the incredible journey of three siblings over the last 40+ years grieving their parents' sudden loss, coming together as a family, and working hard to honor the lives of all 273 lost on Flight 191. It's an inspirational Chicago story about love, family, and how tragedy gets a big word, but it never gets the final word.  Q&A to follow.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom
August 24, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Rich Lalley - Operation Warm - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Rich will provide an update on Operation Warm and our local plans in 2022.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom.

Recent Meetings and Events
August 3, 2022 - Social Event 
Drinks, pizza, ice cream, and conversation.  Guests are welcome!

July 26, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Heidi Voorhees 
Heidi Voorhees provided a detailed presentation on The Great Resignation and how it is impacting employers, employees and restructuring the workplace. 

July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders 
Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.

Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project
Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


July 6, 2022 -- Evening Social Event
Last Wednesday's evening social event was a great way to start the month.  It was a beautiful night at the harbor.  We enjoyed good food and great company.  Guests are always welcome.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
News Story for August 8, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-08-08 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for August 1, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
August 3, 2022 - Social Event - 20 Harbor Dr. in Wilmette - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Join us for drinks, pizza, ice cream, and conversation.  Guests are welcome!
August 10, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Greg Simetz - Meals on Wheels: More Than a Meal - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Greg Simetz is the Community Outreach Director for Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois . Maxine Patronik is the Volunteer Coordinator. They will speak about this organizations operation including the broad reach of the area they serve.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Drive in Wilmette and on Zoom
August 17, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers - Book Overview, Safe Landing - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Kim will provide an overview of the book, Safe Landing, by Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers.
This book tells the incredible journey of three siblings over the last 40+ years grieving their parents' sudden loss, coming together as a family, and working hard to honor the lives of all 273 lost on Flight 191. It's an inspirational Chicago story about love, family, and how tragedy gets a big word, but it never gets the final word.  Q&A to follow.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom
August 24, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Rich Lalley - Operation Warm - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Rich will provide an update on Operation Warm and our local plans in 2022.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom.

Recent Meetings and Events

July 26, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Heidi Voorhees 
Heidi Voorhees provided a detailed presentation on The Great Resignation and how it is impacting employers, employees and restructuring the workplace. 

July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders 
Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.

Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project
Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


July 6, 2022 -- Evening Social Event
Last Wednesday's evening social event was a great way to start the month.  It was a beautiful night at the harbor.  We enjoyed good food and great company.  Guests are always welcome.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
News Story for August 1, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-08-01 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for July 26, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
July 26, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Heidi Voorhees - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Heidi Voorhees will present on The Great Resignation and how it is impacting employers, employees and restructuring the workplace. Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Drive in Wilmette and on Zoom
August 3, 2022 -- Evening Ice Cream Social -- Wilmette Harbor Club -- 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Join us for drinks, ice cream, and conversation.  Guests are always welcome.
August 10, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Greg Simetz - Meals on Wheels: More Than a Meal - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Greg Simetz is the Community Outreach Director for Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois . Maxine Patronik is the Volunteer Coordinator. They will speak about this organizations operation including the broad reach of the area they serve.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Drive in Wilmette and on Zoom
August 17, 2022 - Guest Speakers, Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers - Book Overview, Safe Landing - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Kim will provide an overview of the book, Safe Landing, by Melody Smith, Kim Jockl, and Jim Borchers.
This book tells the incredible journey of three siblings over the last 40+ years grieving their parents' sudden loss, coming together as a family, and working hard to honor the lives of all 273 lost on Flight 191. It's an inspirational Chicago story about love, family, and how tragedy gets a big word, but it never gets the final word.  Q&A to follow.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom
August 24, 2022 - Guest Speaker, Rich Lalley - Operation Warm - Wilmette Harbor Club - 7:15 am to 8:15 am
Rich will provide an update on Operation Warm and our local plans in 2022.  Hybrid Meeting, in person at 20 Harbor Dr. Wilmette, IL 60091 or on Zoom.

Recent Meetings and Events

July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders -- Wilmette Harbor Club -- 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.

Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project
Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


July 6, 2022 -- Evening Social Event
Last Wednesday's evening social event was a great way to start the month.  It was a beautiful night at the harbor.  We enjoyed good food and great company.  Guests are always welcome.
June 29, 2022 -- Transition Dinner
The Club's annual Transition Dinner was held on the evening of Wednesday, June 29, 2022.   At dinner we said "Thank you" to Mike Bailey and his leadership team.  Departing board members include Beth DeWall, Ben Ivory and Jim Pockross.  We then welcomed Brent Hendricks and his leadership team.  New board members include Heidi Voorhees and Jim Bowman.  Mike Bailey, Jeff Krupp, Sarah Oliver, Frank Hussey, Puran Stevens, Heidi Voorhees, and Corinne McClintic will continue as board members for another year.  The Persian cuisine from Noon O Kabab was delicious.  We are grateful to Puran Stevens for arranging a lovely dinner.

June 22, 2022 -- Ouilmette Foundation
Holly Gilson, Board President, The Ouilmette Foundation, and Andrew Tinucci, Partner, Woodhouse Tinucci Architects, provided an update of the activities of the organization.
Holly Gilson provided a brief overview of the Ouilmette Foundation's mission and strategic plan, which envisions a multi-year commitment to the restoration of Wallace Bowl, along with continuing support of the Wilmette Park District's Scholarship Program. The Ouilmette Foundation was originally founded to coordinate community engagement and private financial support for the refurbishment of Wallace Bowl that was completed in 1986. This tradition of sponsoring collaborative fundraising efforts to enhance our parks and enrich the community life that takes place in them continues to the present day. Architect Andrew Tinucci followed with a brief presentation on Wallace Bowl's significance and the restoration work that will be needed to preserve its unique qualities while updating it for the enjoyment of current and future residents. John Flanagin, a member of the Ouilmette Foundation and a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, provided additional remarks.
Please see the following for more information:
June 15, 2022 -- Charley Smith, Haven Youth and Family Services
Charley Smith, LCSW, Executive Director of Haven Youth and Family Services, provided an update of the activities of that organization.
Charley's informative presentation highlighted the lingering impact of Covid on the mental health in our community and included a discussion of increased anxiety and depression, the increased use of social media, safety assessment referrals from new sources and staffing concerns to meet the need of the community.
Haven Youth and Family Services promotes mental health and community wellness to support people in leading their best lives. Please see the following for further information:

June 8, 2022 -- Club Forum

The Club conducted a Club Forum at the June 8, 2022 meeting. Evelyn Lee, the Club's current Assistant Governor, and Richard Brill, the Club's incoming Assistant Governor beginning July 1, each made presentations.  They discussed, among other matters, the Club's continuing coordination with District 6440.  Richard is a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, past president and past secretary of that club, and is a 14-year Rotarian.  He has been the District's Public Image Chair for the past five years.

Susan Fisher also provided an update of presentations and developments at the Rotary International Convention in Houston.

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returned on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park.

The event was well attended, with many guests joining us for this fun evening.

Thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event, and to Jack Close for being an unflappable and charming master of ceremonies for this event.  Special thanks to the many sponsors of this event, including Wayfair, Glasgow and Associates, @Properties, Green Bay Animal Hospital and Byline Bank.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
News Story for July 26, 2022 Brent Hendricks 2022-07-26 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for July 18, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings

July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders -- Wilmette Harbor Club -- 7:30 am to 8:30 am

Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.
Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.

Recent Meetings and Events
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project

Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


July 6, 2022 -- Evening Social Event
Last Wednesday's evening social event was a great way to start the month.  It was a beautiful night at the harbor.  We enjoyed good food and great company.  Guests are always welcome.
June 29, 2022 -- Transition Dinner

The Club's annual Transition Dinner was held on the evening of Wednesday, June 29, 2022.   At dinner we said "Thank you" to Mike Bailey and his leadership team.  Departing board members include Beth DeWall, Ben Ivory and Jim Pockross.  We then welcomed Brent Hendricks and his leadership team.  New board members include Heidi Voorhees and Jim Bowman.  Mike Bailey, Jeff Krupp, Sarah Oliver, Frank Hussey, Puran Stevens, Heidi Voorhees, and Corinne McClintic will continue as board members for another year.  The Persian cuisine from Noon O Kabab was delicious.  We are grateful to Puran Stevens for arranging a lovely dinner.

June 22, 2022 -- Ouilmette Foundation
Holly Gilson, Board President, The Ouilmette Foundation, and Andrew Tinucci, Partner, Woodhouse Tinucci Architects, provided an update of the activities of the organization.
Holly Gilson provided a brief overview of the Ouilmette Foundation's mission and strategic plan, which envisions a multi-year commitment to the restoration of Wallace Bowl, along with continuing support of the Wilmette Park District's Scholarship Program. The Ouilmette Foundation was originally founded to coordinate community engagement and private financial support for the refurbishment of Wallace Bowl that was completed in 1986. This tradition of sponsoring collaborative fundraising efforts to enhance our parks and enrich the community life that takes place in them continues to the present day. Architect Andrew Tinucci followed with a brief presentation on Wallace Bowl's significance and the restoration work that will be needed to preserve its unique qualities while updating it for the enjoyment of current and future residents. John Flanagin, a member of the Ouilmette Foundation and a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, provided additional remarks.
Please see the following for more information:
June 15, 2022 -- Charley Smith, Haven Youth and Family Services
Charley Smith, LCSW, Executive Director of Haven Youth and Family Services, provided an update of the activities of that organization.
Charley's informative presentation highlighted the lingering impact of Covid on the mental health in our community and included a discussion of increased anxiety and depression, the increased use of social media, safety assessment referrals from new sources and staffing concerns to meet the need of the community.
Haven Youth and Family Services promotes mental health and community wellness to support people in leading their best lives. Please see the following for further information:

June 8, 2022 -- Club Forum

The Club conducted a Club Forum at the June 8, 2022 meeting. Evelyn Lee, the Club's current Assistant Governor, and Richard Brill, the Club's incoming Assistant Governor beginning July 1, each made presentations.  They discussed, among other matters, the Club's continuing coordination with District 6440.  Richard is a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, past president and past secretary of that club, and is a 14-year Rotarian.  He has been the District's Public Image Chair for the past five years.

Susan Fisher also provided an update of presentations and developments at the Rotary International Convention in Houston.

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returned on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park.

The event was well attended, with many guests joining us for this fun evening.

Thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event, and to Jack Close for being an unflappable and charming master of ceremonies for this event.  Special thanks to the many sponsors of this event, including Wayfair, Glasgow and Associates, @Properties, Green Bay Animal Hospital and Byline Bank.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
News Story for July 18, 2022 2022-07-18 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for July 12, 2022

Upcoming Events and Meetings
July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project -- Wilmette Harbor Club -- 7:30 am to 8:30 am

Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


July 20, 2022 -- Guest Speaker, Nora Kusaka with Engineers Without Borders -- Wilmette Harbor Club -- 7:30 am to 8:30 am

Engineers Without Borders—Chicagoland Professional Chapter will be presenting on the ongoing projects the chapter is working on and will highlight our recent successful implementation of the water and sanitation projects with the Wema Children’s Centre in Kenya, and the second phase of the work that is to follow.
Presenter Backgrounds:
Nora Kusaka Herrero is a site civil engineer with Wight & Company, working in the greater Chicago area. She has 6 years of experience and has worked on various types of projects throughout the United States. Nora specializes in low-impact stormwater management and is utilizing these skills on projects with EWB to promote groundwater infiltration and stormwater capture and reuse.
Alan Phelps is a civil engineer with David Mason & Associates working on site design and stormwater management for new buildings and schoolyards in Chicago. With over 8 years of water and wastewater infrastructure experience, he has contributed to the success of a number of water projects in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Alan is the president of the EWB Chicagoland Professional Chapter and the leader of the Wema Program in western Kenya.

Recent Meetings and Events
July 6, 2022 -- Evening Social Event -- Wilmette Harbor Club -- 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Last Wednesday's evening social event was a great way to start the month.  It was a beautiful night at the harbor.  We enjoyed good food and great company.  Guests are always welcome.
June 29, 2022 -- Transition Dinner

The Club's annual Transition Dinner was held on the evening of Wednesday, June 29, 2022.   At dinner we said "Thank you" to Mike Bailey and his leadership team.  Departing board members include Beth DeWall, Ben Ivory and Jim Pockross.  We then welcomed Brent Hendricks and his leadership team.  New board members include Heidi Voorhees and Jim Bowman.  Mike Bailey, Jeff Krupp, Sarah Oliver, Frank Hussey, Puran Stevens, Heidi Voorhees, and Corinne McClintic will continue as board members for another year.  The Persian cuisine from Noon O Kabab was delicious.  We are grateful to Puran Stevens for arranging a lovely dinner.

June 22, 2022 -- Ouilmette Foundation
Holly Gilson, Board President, The Ouilmette Foundation, and Andrew Tinucci, Partner, Woodhouse Tinucci Architects, provided an update of the activities of the organization.
Holly Gilson provided a brief overview of the Ouilmette Foundation's mission and strategic plan, which envisions a multi-year commitment to the restoration of Wallace Bowl, along with continuing support of the Wilmette Park District's Scholarship Program. The Ouilmette Foundation was originally founded to coordinate community engagement and private financial support for the refurbishment of Wallace Bowl that was completed in 1986. This tradition of sponsoring collaborative fundraising efforts to enhance our parks and enrich the community life that takes place in them continues to the present day. Architect Andrew Tinucci followed with a brief presentation on Wallace Bowl's significance and the restoration work that will be needed to preserve its unique qualities while updating it for the enjoyment of current and future residents. John Flanagin, a member of the Ouilmette Foundation and a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, provided additional remarks.
Please see the following for more information:
June 15, 2022 -- Charley Smith, Haven Youth and Family Services
Charley Smith, LCSW, Executive Director of Haven Youth and Family Services, provided an update of the activities of that organization.
Charley's informative presentation highlighted the lingering impact of Covid on the mental health in our community and included a discussion of increased anxiety and depression, the increased use of social media, safety assessment referrals from new sources and staffing concerns to meet the need of the community.
Haven Youth and Family Services promotes mental health and community wellness to support people in leading their best lives. Please see the following for further information:

June 8, 2022 -- Club Forum

The Club conducted a Club Forum at the June 8, 2022 meeting. Evelyn Lee, the Club's current Assistant Governor, and Richard Brill, the Club's incoming Assistant Governor beginning July 1, each made presentations.  They discussed, among other matters, the Club's continuing coordination with District 6440.  Richard is a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, past president and past secretary of that club, and is a 14-year Rotarian.  He has been the District's Public Image Chair for the past five years.

Susan Fisher also provided an update of presentations and developments at the Rotary International Convention in Houston.

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returned on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park.

The event was well attended, with many guests joining us for this fun evening.

Thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event, and to Jack Close for being an unflappable and charming master of ceremonies for this event.  Special thanks to the many sponsors of this event, including Wayfair, Glasgow and Associates, @Properties, Green Bay Animal Hospital and Byline Bank.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
News Story for July 12, 2022 2022-07-12 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for June 20, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
June 22, 2022 -- Ouilmette Foundation
Holly Gilson, Board President, The Ouilmette Foundation, and Andrew Tinucci, Partner, Woodhouse Tinucci Architects, will provide an update of the activities of the organization.
Holly Gilson will provide a brief overview of the Ouilmette Foundation's mission and strategic plan, which envisions a multi-year commitment to the restoration of Wallace Bowl, along with continuing support of the Wilmette Park District's Scholarship Program. The Ouilmette Foundation was originally founded to coordinate community engagement and private financial support for the refurbishment of Wallace Bowl that was completed in 1986. This tradition of sponsoring collaborative fundraising efforts to enhance our parks and enrich the community life that takes place in them continues to the present day. Architect Andrew Tinucci will follow with a brief presentation on Wallace Bowl's significance and the restoration work that will be needed to preserve its unique qualities while updating it for the enjoyment of current and future residents.
Please see the following for more information:

June 29, 2022 -- Club Transition Dinner

July 13, 2022 -- Tonika Johnson, Folded Map Project

Artist and activist Tonika Johnson will join us via Zoom to tell the story of her highly acclaimed Folded Map Project, which began as an art project and transformed into a bridge between neighborhoods and an advocacy tool.  The Project began as a photo series that "used the City of Chicago's grid system to identify and capture residences at corresponding addresses on the North and South Side in order to explore the visual legacies of segregation, socioeconomic disparities and racial discrimination."

"Folded Map began as an art project, but has become my way of combating social injustice," she said.  "Ultimately, I want Folded Map to help us heal and get to know each other so that we can tear down the racist walls that divide us."  Tonika will share how our North Suburban community can use the resources of the Folded Map Project to deepen our understanding and make vital connections with our neighbors across the city.


Recent Meetings and Events
June 15, 2022 -- Charley Smith, Haven Youth and Family Services
Charley Smith, LCSW, Executive Director of Haven Youth and Family Services, provided an update of the activities of that organization.
Charley's informative presentation highlighted the lingering impact of Covid on the mental health in our community and included a discussion of increased anxiety and depression, the increased use of social media, safety assessment referrals from new sources and staffing concerns to meet the need of the community.
Haven Youth and Family Services promotes mental health and community wellness to support people in leading their best lives. Please see the following for further information:

June 8, 2022 -- Club Forum

The Club conducted a Club Forum at the June 8, 2022 meeting. Evelyn Lee, the Club's current Assistant Governor, and Richard Brill, the Club's incoming Assistant Governor beginning July 1, each made presentations.  They discussed, among other matters, the Club's continuing coordination with District 6440.  Richard is a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, past president and past secretary of that club, and is a 14-year Rotarian.  He has been the District's Public Image Chair for the past five years.

Susan Fisher also provided an update of presentations and developments at the Rotary International Convention in Houston.

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returned on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park.

The event was well attended, with many guests joining us for this fun evening.

Thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event, and to Jack Close for being an unflappable and charming master of ceremonies for this event.  Special thanks to the many sponsors of this event, including Wayfair, Glasgow and Associates, @Properties, Green Bay Animal Hospital and Byline Bank.

Recognition of Club's Contributions to Sustainable Landscaping Installed at Wilmette Village Hall

May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting 7:30 am -- Beth Drucker, President, Go Green Wilmette
Beth Drucker, President of Go Green Wilmette, provided an update of the current environmental activities and initiatives of the organization.  Beth's presentation included a discussion of recent expansion of the Go Green network of organizations within Illinois.
Please see the website of Go Green Wilmette for further information:
Beth has served as the President of Go Green Wilmette since its founding in 2006. 
May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Author Jennifer Close
Best selling author Jennifer Close discussed  her newest book “Marrying the Ketchups” which was released by Alfred A. Knopf at the end of April. "Marrying the Ketchups" is her fourth book.

In addition, she also provided insights into the creative process of writing and publishing a book from the first idea to finished copies.  She engaged in a lively back and forth discussion with our members at guests at the end of her presentation.
The review of "Marrying the Ketchups" from the New York Times Book Review can be found at the following:
May 14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club was very pleased to participate along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless held in Gillson Park on May 14.  Thanks to the Rotary Club of Wilmette for organizing this event, which raised about $14,000 to contribute to organizations serving the homeless and distressed.
Susan Fisher, Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and Mike Bailey volunteered or participated.
May 11, 2022 -- Foundation Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation was held at the regular meeting of the Club on May 11, 2022, which included election of Foundation Board members.  Foundation Directors for 2022-23 will be Ben Ivory, Jim Pockross, Jim Waite, Maureen Barry and Mike Bailey.  Special thanks to Tom Ryan for his service on the Foundation Board.  
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President 
In the second of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversations" series, Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, engaged Club members and guests in an informative discussion of recent developments at the Village of Wilmette. President Plunkett discussed a number of topics, including the Village's recently adopted Tree Ordinance, new businesses in Wilmette, the Village's strategic plan, and the Village's financial condition. We all thank her for engaging in this discussion with us.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community. The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan. Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe presented on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He spoke about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.  

April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Events
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in two different service projects in honor of National Earth Day. Suki Fisher of the Club volunteered for a beach clean up event at Gillson Park. Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey volunteered by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer. Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
News Story for June 20, 2022 2022-06-20 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for June 13, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending, either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. 
On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Please note that, beginning in August 2022, regular meetings will be held at 7:15 am rather than 7:30 am.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
June 15, 2022 -- Charley Smith, Haven Youth and Family Services
Charley Smith, LCSW, Executive Director of Haven Youth and Family Services, will provide an update of the activities of that organization.
Haven Youth and Family Services promotes mental health and community wellness to support people in leading their best lives. Please see the following for further information:
June 22, 2022 -- Ouilmette Foundation
Representatives of the Ouilmette Foundation will provide an update of the activities of that organization.  The mission of the Ouilmette Foundation is to educate, enhance and enrich our parks and community life by supporting exceptional projects in collaboration with residents, community groups and partner organizations.  The Ouilmette Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization established to receive charitable gives and donations for the benefit of programs and facilities operated by the Wilmette Park District.  Please see the following for more information:

June 29, 2022 -- Club Transition Dinner

Recent Meetings and Events

June 8, 2022 -- Club Forum

The Club conducted a Club Forum at the June 8, 2022 meeting. Evelyn Lee, the Club's current Assistant Governor, and Richard Brill, the Club's incoming Assistant Governor beginning July 1, each made presentations.  They discussed, among other matters, the Club's continuing coordination with District 6440.  Richard is a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, past president and past secretary of that club, and is a 14-year Rotarian.  He has been the District's Public Image Chair for the past five years.

Susan Fisher also provided an update of presentations and developments at the Rotary International Convention in Houston.

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returned on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park.

The event was well attended, with many guests joining us for this fun evening.

Thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event, and to Jack Close for being an unflappable and charming master of ceremonies for this event.  Special thanks to the many sponsors of this event, including Wayfair, Glasgow and Associates, @Properties, Green Bay Animal Hospital and Byline Bank.

Recognition of Club's Contributions to Sustainable Landscaping Installed at Wilmette Village Hall

News Story for June 13, 2022 2022-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for June 6, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending, either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. 
Regular meetings are held on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am.  On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Upcoming Events and Meetings

June 8, 2022 -- Club Forum

The Club will conduct a Club Forum at the June 8, 2022 meeting.  Evelyn Lee, the Club's current Assistant Governor, and Richard Brill, the Club's incoming Assistant Governor beginning July 1, will join us for this meeting, and make a presentation. Richard is a member of the Rotary Club of Wilmette, past president and past secretary of that club, and is a 14-year Rotarian.  He has been the District's Public Image Chair for the past five years and worked with District leadership and all 67 clubs in the District on many topics.  In his role as Public Image Chair, he was part of regular Rotary Zone and Region meetings and Institutes.

Susan Fisher will provide an update of presentations and developments at the Rotary International Convention in Houston.

The Club Form with also focus on the following:

1.  Transition of officers and plans for upcoming year
2.  Amendments to Bylaws and Club Policies
3.  Roles and activities of committees

Recent Meetings and Events

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returned on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park.

The event was well attended, with many guests joining us for this fun evening.

Thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event.  Thanks to Jack Close for being an unflappable and charming master of ceremonies for this event.  Special thanks to the many sponsors of this event, including Wayfair, Glasgow and Associates, @Properties, Green Bay Animal Hospital and Byline Bank.

Recognition of Club's Contributions to Sustainable Landscaping Installed at Wilmette Village Hall

May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting 7:30 am -- Beth Drucker, President, Go Green Wilmette
Beth Drucker, President of Go Green Wilmette, provided an update of the current environmental activities and initiatives of the organization.  Beth's presentation included a discussion of recent expansion of the Go Green network of organizations within Illinois and a description of a very interesting webinar to be hosted by Go Green Wilmette on "Conservation and End of Life Options" scheduled for June 8, 2022 at 7:00 pm.
Please see the website of Go Green Wilmette for further information:
Beth has served as the President of Go Green Wilmette since its founding in 2006. 
May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Author Jennifer Close
Best selling author Jennifer Close discussed  her newest book “Marrying the Ketchups” which was released by Alfred A. Knopf at the end of April. "Marrying the Ketchups" is her fourth book.

In addition, she also provided insights into the creative process of writing and publishing a book from the first idea to finished copies.  She engaged in a lively back and forth discussion with our members at guests at the end of her presentation.
The review of "Marrying the Ketchups" from the New York Times Book Review can be found at the following:
May 14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club was very pleased to participate along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless held in Gillson Park on May 14.  Thanks to the Rotary Club of Wilmette for organizing this event, which raised about $14,000 to contribute to organizations serving the homeless and distressed.
Susan Fisher, Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and Mike Bailey volunteered or participated.
May 11, 2022 -- Foundation Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation was held at the regular meeting of the Club on May 11, 2022, which included election of Foundation Board members.  Foundation Directors for 2022-23 will be Ben Ivory, Jim Pockross, Jim Waite, Maureen Barry and Mike Bailey.  Special thanks to Tom Ryan for his service on the Foundation Board.  
The May 11 regular meeting also included a Club forum focusing in particular on transition to the 2022-23 year. 
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President 
In the second of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversations" series, Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, engaged Club members and guests in an informative discussion of recent developments at the Village of Wilmette. President Plunkett discussed a number of topics, including the Village's recently adopted Tree Ordinance, new businesses in Wilmette, the Village's strategic plan, and the Village's financial condition. We all thank her for engaging in this discussion with us.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community. The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan. Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe presented on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He spoke about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.   He also described how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Events
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in two different service projects in honor of National Earth Day. Suki Fisher of the Club volunteered for a beach clean up event at Gillson Park. Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey volunteered by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer. Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
News Story for June 6, 2022 2022-06-06 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for May 31, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. 
Regular meetings are held on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 am.  On the first Wednesday of each month, however, the Club generally holds evening events, and does not meet in the morning on those Wednesdays.
Accordingly, there will be no morning meeting on Wednesday, June 1, 2022.
Upcoming Events and Meetings

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returns on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park in Wilmette.  The contest will begin at 7:00 pm.  Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm and doors will open at 5:30 pm.

The cost per person is $50.  Raffle tickets may be purchased at the door and will support the charitable activities of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation.  The Club particularly thanks the many generous sponsors of this event.

The Trivia Night Contest will be conducted only in-person (no Zoom feed will be available). 

Guests are welcome!

Special thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event.

June 8, 2022 -- Club Forum

The Club will conduct a Club Forum, with particular focus on the following:

1.  Transition of officers and plans for upcoming year
2.  Amendments to Bylaws and Club Policies
3.  Roles and activities of committees

Recent Meetings and Events
May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting 7:30 am -- Beth Drucker, President, Go Green Wilmette
Beth Drucker, President of Go Green Wilmette, provided an update of the current environmental activities and initiatives of the organization.  Beth's presentation included a discussion of recent expansion of the Go Green network of organizations within Illinois and a description of a very interesting webinar to be hosted by Go Green Wilmette on "Conservation and End of Life Options" scheduled for June 8, 2022 at 7:00 pm.
Please see the website of Go Green Wilmette for further information:
Beth has served as the President of Go Green Wilmette since its founding in 2006. 
May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Author Jennifer Close
Best selling author Jennifer Close discussed  her newest book “Marrying the Ketchups” which was released by Alfred A. Knopf at the end of April. "Marrying the Ketchups" is her fourth book.

In addition, she also provided insights into the creative process of writing and publishing a book from the first idea to finished copies.  She engaged in a lively back and forth discussion with our members at guests at the end of her presentation.
The review of "Marrying the Ketchups" from the New York Times Book Review can be found at the following:
May 14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club was very pleased to participate along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless held in Gillson Park on May 14.  Thanks to the Rotary Club of Wilmette for organizing this event, which raised about $14,000 to contribute to organizations serving the homeless and distressed.
Susan Fisher, Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and Mike Bailey volunteered or participated.
May 11, 2022 -- Foundation Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation was held at the regular meeting of the Club on May 11, 2022, which included election of Foundation Board members.  Foundation Directors for 2022-23 will be Ben Ivory, Jim Pockross, Jim Waite, Maureen Barry and Mike Bailey.  Special thanks to Tom Ryan for his service on the Foundation Board.  
The May 11 regular meeting also included a Club forum focusing in particular on transition to the 2022-23 year. 
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President 
In the second of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversations" series, Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, engaged Club members and guests in an informative discussion of recent developments at the Village of Wilmette.  President Plunkett discussed a number of topics, including the Village's recently adopted Tree Ordinance, new businesses in Wilmette, the Village's strategic plan, and the Village's financial condition.  We all thank her for engaging in this discussion with us.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community. The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe presented on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He spoke about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.   He also described how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Events
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in two different service projects in honor of National Earth Day.  Suki Fisher of the Club volunteered for a beach clean up event at Gillson Park.   Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey volunteered by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer.  Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.
News Story for May 31, 2022 2022-05-31 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for May 21, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
Upcoming Events and Meetings
May 25, 2022 Regular Meeting 7:30 am -- Beth Drucker, President, Go Green Wilmette
Beth Drucker, President of Go Green Wilmette, will provide an update of the current environmental activities and initiatives of the organization.  Beth's presentation will include a discussion of recent expansion of the Go Green network of organizations within Illinois and a description of a very interesting webinar to be hosted by Go Green Wilmette on "Conservation and End of Life Options" scheduled for June 8, 2022 at 7:00 pm.
Please see the website of Go Green Wilmette for further information:
Beth has served as the President of Go Green Wilmette since its founding in 2006. 

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returns on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park in Wilmette.  The contest will begin at 7:00 pm.  Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm and doors will open at 5:30 pm.

The cost per person is $50.  Raffle tickets may be purchased at the door and will support the charitable activities of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation.  

Guests are welcome!

Special thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event.

Recent Meetings and Events
May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Author Jennifer Close
Best selling author Jennifer Close discussed  her newest book “Marrying the Ketchups” which was released by Alfred A. Knopf at the end of April. "Marrying the Ketchups" is her fourth book.

In addition, she also provided insights into the creative process of writing and publishing a book from the first idea to finished copies.  She engaged in a lively back and forth discussion with our members at guests at the end of her presentation.
The review of "Marrying the Ketchups" from the New York Times Book Review can be found at the following:
May 14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club was very pleased to participate along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless held in Gillson Park on May 14.  Thanks to the Rotary Club of Wilmette for organizing this event, which raised about $14,000 to contribute to organizations serving the homeless and distressed.
Susan Fisher, Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and Mike Bailey volunteered or participated.
May 11, 2022 -- Foundation Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation was held at the regular meeting of the Club on May 11, 2022, which included election of Foundation Board members.  Foundation Directors for 2022-23 will be Ben Ivory, Jim Pockross, Jim Waite, Maureen Barry and Mike Bailey.  Special thanks to Tom Ryan for his service on the Foundation Board.  
The May 11 regular meeting also included a Club forum focusing in particular on transition to the 2022-23 year. 
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President 
In the second of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversations" series, Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, engaged Club members and guests in an informative discussion of recent developments at the Village of Wilmette.  President Plunkett discussed a number of topics, including the Village's recently adopted Tree Ordinance, new businesses in Wilmette, the Village's strategic plan, and the Village's financial condition.  We all thank her for engaging in this discussion with us.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community. The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe presented on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He spoke about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.   He also described how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Events
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in two different service projects in honor of National Earth Day.  Suki Fisher of the Club volunteered for a beach clean up event at Gillson Park.   Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey volunteered by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer.  Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.
News Story for May 21, 2022 2022-05-21 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for May 15, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
Upcoming Events and Meetings
May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Author Jennifer Close
Best-selling author, Jennifer Close, will be joining the meeting of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 by Zoom.  
She will be discussing her newest book “Marrying the Ketchups” which was released by Alfred A. Knopf
at the end of April. "Marrying the Ketchups" is her fourth book.

In addition, she will provide some insight into the creative process of writing and publishing a book from the first idea to finished copies, and will be available for questions at the end of her presentation.

We will have a couple of her books available for purchase at Harbor Club on Wednesday morning. The proceeds of the sale will be donated to the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation.
The review of "Marrying the Ketchups" from the New York Times Book Review can be found at the following:

June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returns on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Cub in Gillson Park in Wilmette.  The contest will begin at 7:00 pm.  Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm and doors will open at 5:30 pm.

The cost per person is $50.  Raffle tickes may be purchased at the door and will support the charitable activities of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor.  

Guests are welcome!

Special thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event.


Recent Meetings and Events
May 14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club was very pleased to participate along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless held in Gillson Park on May 14.  Thanks to the Rotary Club of Wilmette for organizing this event, which raised about $14,000 to contribute to organizations serving the homeless and distressed.
Susan Fisher, Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and Mike Bailey volunteered or participated.
May 11, 2022 -- Foundation Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation was held at the regular meeting of the Club on May 11, 2022, which included election of Foundation Board members.  Foundation Directors for 2022-23 will be Ben Ivory, Jim Pockross, Jim Waite, Maureen Barry and Mike Bailey.  Special thanks to Tom Ryan for his service on the Foundation Board.  
The May 11 regular meeting also included a Club forum focusing in particular on transition to the 2022-23 year. 
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President 
In the second of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversations" series, Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, engaged Club members and guests in an informative discussion of recent developments at the Village of Wilmette.  President Plunkett discussed a number of topics, including the Village's recently adopted Tree Ordinance, new businesses in Wilmette, the Village's strategic plan, and the Village's financial condition.  We all thank her for engaging in this discussion with us.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community. The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe presented on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He spoke about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.   He also described how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

Ted Glasoe is a native Minnesotan who grew up in and around inland lakes.  He is now an award-winning nature and landscape photographer living on the shores of Lake Michigan.  He has found his artistic niche and built his reputation focusing on imagery showcasing the beauty of the water.  In the process, he has become passionate about conservation and protection of Lake Michigan, in particular, and water and our natural world in general.

The April 27 regular meeting also included an informative presentation from Martha Sheridan of the Rotary After Dark (RAD) group of the Rotary Club of Wilmette regarding how the Club and its members can best coordinate and volunteer for the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless event described below.  Martha also discussed opportunities to participate in volunteer projects to prepare lunches for the homeless in coordination with Connections for the Homeless.  Jim Waite, Club Foundation Chair, provided a great presentation acknowledging the many contributions of the Club to the Rotary Foundation and encouraging ongoing contributions.  

April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Events
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in two different service projects in honor of National Earth Day.  Suki Fisher of the Club volunteered for a beach clean up event at Gillson Park.   Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey volunteered by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer.  Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.
News Story for May 15, 2022 2022-05-15 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for May 9, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
Upcoming Events and Meetings
May 11, 2022 -- Foundation Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The May 11, 2022 regular meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Wilmette Harbor Rotary Club Foundation.  An election will be held for directors of the Foundation.
Following that Annual Meeting, the meeting will be a Club Forum.  Among the topics to be discussed are the following:
1.  Transition matters to a new President and Board of Directors starting July 1, 2022.
2.  Nominating committee discussion.
3.  Roles and responsibilities of committees.
4.  Revisions to bylaws and policies.
5.  Planning for Trivia Contest Night scheduled for June 1, 2022.
6.  Discussion of service projects.
May 5-14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club will be participating along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and other local Rotary Clubs in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless, which begins on May 5 with a Walk-a-Thon.
The 10-day Walk-a-thon will be followed by a 5K fun Run/Walk event in Gillson Park on May 14, 2022.  Proceeds will go to support organizations that provide services to homeless people in Chicago and the suburbs (Connections for the Homeless, La Case Norte, and others).  Those who register to walk will solicit others to pledge to pay $2-10 per mile walked from May 5-14. 
The Rotary clubs of Wilmette, Wilmette Harbor, Winnetka/Northfield, Evanston, Evanston Lighthouse and Skokie Valley will participate.
On Saturday May 14, there will be a 5k fun Walk/Run in Gillson Park from 10am to noon.  After the walk/run a gathering will be held in Wallace Bowl to recognize participants, sponsors and fundraising efforts. Food and drink will be available.
Ticket prices are the same for those who register to walk and for those just attending the May 14 event;  $100 for families (of any number), $50 for individuals, and $25 for students (under age 22). 
Registration (tickets) and Donations are available online from the Rotary Club of Wilmette website http://wilmetterotary.org .  Click the red buttons as indicated on the webpage.
OR simply click the link below to register or donate.


June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returns on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Cub in Gillson Park in Wilmette.  The contest will begin at 7:00 pm.  Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm and doors will open at 5:30 pm.

The cost per person is $50.  Raffle tickes may be purchased at the door and will support the charitable activities of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor.  

Guests are welcome!

Special thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community. The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
Recent Meetings and Events
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President 
In the second of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversations" series, Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, engaged Club members and guests in an informative discussion of recent developments at the Village of Wilmette.  President Plunkett discussed a number of topics, including the Village's recently adopted Tree Ordinance, new businesses in Wilmette, the Village's strategic plan, and the Village's financial condition.  We all thank her for engaging in this discussion with us.
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe presented on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He spoke about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.   He also described how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

Ted Glasoe is a native Minnesotan who grew up in and around inland lakes.  He is now an award-winning nature and landscape photographer living on the shores of Lake Michigan.  He has found his artistic niche and built his reputation focusing on imagery showcasing the beauty of the water.  In the process, he has become passionate about conservation and protection of Lake Michigan, in particular, and water and our natural world in general.

The April 27 regular meeting also included an informative presentation from Martha Sheridan of the Rotary After Dark (RAD) group of the Rotary Club of Wilmette regarding how the Club and its members can best coordinate and volunteer for the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless event described below.  Martha also discussed opportunities to participate in volunteer projects to prepare lunches for the homeless in coordination with Connections for the Homeless.  Jim Waite, Club Foundation Chair, provided a great presentation acknowledging the many contributions of the Club to the Rotary Foundation and encouraging ongoing contributions.  

April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Events
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in two different service projects in honor of National Earth Day.  Suki Fisher of the Club volunteered for a beach clean up event at Gillson Park.   Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey volunteered by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer.  Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.
News Story for May 9, 2022 2022-05-09 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for May 1, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
Upcoming Events and Meetings
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President -- 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."
Doors will open at 5:30 pm.
This special evening meeting be held at 6:00 pm in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
May 5-14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club will be participating along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and other local Rotary Clubs in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless, which begins on May 5 with a Walk-a-Thon.
The 10-day Walk-a-thon will be followed by a 5K fun Run/Walk event in Gillson Park on May 14, 2022.  Proceeds will go to support organizations that provide services to homeless people in Chicago and the suburbs (Connections for the Homeless, La Case Norte, and others).  Those who register to walk will solicit others to pledge to pay $2-10 per mile walked from May 5-14. 
The Rotary clubs of Wilmette, Wilmette Harbor, Winnetka/Northfield, Evanston, Evanston Lighthouse and Skokie Valley will participate.
On Saturday May 14, there will be a 5k fun Walk/Run in Gillson Park from 10am to noon.  After the walk/run a gathering will be held in Wallace Bowl to recognize participants, sponsors and fundraising efforts. Food and drink will be available.
Ticket prices are the same for those who register to walk and for those just attending the May 14 event;  $100 for families (of any number), $50 for individuals, and $25 for students (under age 22). 
Registration (tickets) and Donations are available online from the Rotary Club of Wilmette website http://wilmetterotary.org .  Click the red buttons as indicated on the webpage.
OR simply click the link below to register or donate.


June 1, 2022 Trivia Night Context

The Trivia Night Contest of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor returns on the evening of Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at the Harbor Cub in Gillson Park in Wilmette.  The contest will begin at 7:00 pm.  Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm and doors will open at 5:30 pm.

The cost per person is $50.  Raffle tickes may be purchased at the door and will support the charitable activities of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor.  

Guests are welcome!

Special thanks to Jim Pockross and the entire Trivia Night Contest committee for organizing this event.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community. The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
Recent Meetings and Events
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe presented on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He spoke about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.   He also described how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

Ted Glasoe is a native Minnesotan who grew up in and around inland lakes.  He is now an award-winning nature and landscape photographer living on the shores of Lake Michigan.  He has found his artistic niche and built his reputation focusing on imagery showcasing the beauty of the water.  In the process, he has become passionate about conservation and protection of Lake Michigan, in particular, and water and our natural world in general.

The April 27 regular meeting also included an informative presentation from Martha Sheridan of the Rotary After Dark (RAD) group of the Rotary Club of Wilmette regarding how the Club and its members can best coordinate and volunteer for the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless event described below.  Martha also discussed opportunities to participate in volunteer projects to prepare lunches for the homeless in coordination with Connections for the Homeless.  Jim Waite, Club Foundation Chair, provided a great presentation acknowledging the many contributions of the Club to the Rotary Foundation and encouraging ongoing contributions.  

April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Events
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in two different service projects in honor of National Earth Day.  Suki Fisher of the Club volunteered for a beach clean up event at Gillson Park.   Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey volunteered by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer.  Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.
News Story for May 1, 2022 2022-05-01 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for April 25, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
Upcoming Events and Meetings
April 27, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Club Forum

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe will present on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He will speak about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.  Lastly, he will describe how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

Ted Glasoe's presentation was originally scheduled for the April 20 regular meeting, but has been rescheduled to the April 27 regular meeting.

Ted Glasoe is a native Minnesotan who grew up in and around inland lakes.  He is now an award-winning nature and landscape photographer living on the shores of Lake Michigan.  He has found his artistic niche and built his reputation focusing on imagery showcasing the beauty of the water.  In the process, he has become passionate about conservation and protection of Lake Michigan, in particular, and water and our natural world in general.

The April 27 regular meeting will also include a Club Forum discussion of Club leadership transition planning, planning for upcoming Community Conversations, roles and activities of Committees and amendments of bylaws and policies.  In addition, a representative of the Rotary Club of Wilmette will discuss coordination on the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless event described below.

May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President -- 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."
May 5-14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club will be participating along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and other local Rotary Clubs in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless, which begins on May 5 with a Walk-a-Thon.
The 10-day Walk-a-thon will be followed by a 5K fun Run/Walk event in Gillson Park on May 14, 2022.  Proceeds will go to support organizations that provide services to homeless people in Chicago and the suburbs (Connections for the Homeless, La Case Norte, and others).  Those who register to walk will solicit others to pledge to pay $2-10 per mile walked from May 5-14. 
The Rotary clubs of Wilmette, Wilmette Harbor, Winnetka/Northfield, Evanston, Evanston Lighthouse and Skokie Valley will participate.
On Saturday May 14, there will be a 5k fun Walk/Run in Gillson Park from 10am to noon.  After the walk/run a gathering will be held in Wallace Bowl to recognize participants, sponsors and fundraising efforts. Food and drink will be available.
Ticket prices are the same for those who register to walk and for those just attending the May 14 event;  $100 for families (of any number), $50 for individuals, and $25 for students (under age 22). 
Registration (tickets) and Donations are available online from the Rotary Club of Wilmette website http://wilmetterotary.org .  Click the red buttons as indicated on the webpage.
OR simply click the link below to register or donate.


More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
Recent Meetings and Events
April 22, 2022 --  Earth Day Volunteer Event
On April 22, 2022, members of the Club participated in a service project in honor of National Earth Day by planting native trees and other plants at the Harbert-Payne Woods in Evanston on the North Shore Channel.  The Club was particularly pleased to work with representatives of The Volunteer Center, which organized the event.  Maureen Barry, John Wertymer (along with his very enthusiastic son-in-law) and Mike Bailey participated.
April 20, 2022 -- Club Forum
The April 20, 2022, regular meeting was a Club Forum focused in particular on reenergizing the Club's community service volunteer projects.
The meeting also included a recognition of contributions to the Rotary Foundation by major donor John Wertymer.  Congratulations, John!
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.

Rotary Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  
The following is a summary of some of the opportunities to contribute through Rotary:
How to Donate
The Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund
Donations accepted for the Disaster Response Fund for Ukraine until April 30th
  • Donate online: my.rotary.org/en/disaster-response-fund​​​​
  •  Donate by contribution form: my.rotary.org/en/check-draft-or-wire-payments
River Cities Response to the Crisis in Ukraine
1. Donations to our collaborative efforts with Rotary Club Kyiv International can be made via PayPal at  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X4RN2CEWRXGMU 
2. Alternatively, checks payable to Rotary Club of River Cities can be sent to Alex Todd (their club treasurer) at the Prospect Heights Library, 12 N. Elm Street, Prospect Heights, IL 60070
ShelterBox: https://www.shelterboxusa.org/donate/  Please include "for and in honor of the Ukrainian people", your club name, District 6440, and Donna Lee Gulley as ShelterBox Ambassador. Credit card at website or mail to ShelterBox. PO Box 5055, Santa Barbara, CA 93150.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation further describing these contribution opportunities.
News Story for April 25, 2022 2022-04-25 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for April 17, 2020

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. 
Upcoming Events and Meetings
April 20, 2022 -- Ted Glasoe, Alliance for the Great Lakes

Alliance Ambassador Ted Glasoe will present on the importance of protecting the Great Lakes.  He will speak about issues impacting the Great Lakes and the work the Alliance for the Great Lakes does to help project the Great Lakes.  Lastly, he will describe how participants can join in working to protect the Great Lakes.

Ted Glasoe is a native Minnesotan who grew up in and around inland lakes.  He is now an award-winning nature and landscape photographer living on the shores of Lake Michigan.  He has found his artistic niche and built his reputation focusing on imagery showcasing the beauty of the water.  In the process, he has become passionate about conservation and protection of Lake Michigan, in particular, and water and our natural world in general.

April 27, 2022 --  Club Forum

The Club Forum will include a discussion of Club leadership transition planning, planning for upcoming Community Conversations, roles and activities of Committees and amendments of bylaws and policies.

May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."
May 5-14, 2022 -- Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless
The Club will be participating along with the Rotary Club of Wilmette and other local Rotary Clubs in the Rotary Hope Walk for the Homeless, which begins on May 5 with a Walk-a-Thon.
The 10-day Walk-a-thon will be followed by a 5K fun Run/Walk event in Gillson Park on May 14, 2022.  Proceeds will go to support organizations that provide services to homeless people in Chicago and the suburbs (Connections for the Homeless, La Case Norte, and others).  Those who register to walk will solicit others to pledge to pay $2-10 per mile walked from May 5-14. 
The Rotary clubs of Wilmette, Wilmette Harbor, Winnetka/Northfield, Evanston, Evanston Lighthouse and Skokie Valley will participate.
On Saturday May 14, there will be a 5k fun Walk/Run in Gillson Park from 10am to noon.  After the walk/run a gathering will be held in Wallace Bowl to recognize participants, sponsors and fundraising efforts. Food and drink will be available.
Ticket prices are the same for those who register to walk and for those just attending the May 14 event;  $100 for families (of any number), $50 for individuals, and $25 for students (under age 22). 
Registration (tickets) and Donations are available online from the Rotary Club of Wilmette website http://wilmetterotary.org .  Click the red buttons as indicated on the webpage.
OR simply click the link below to register or donate.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.

The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
Recent Meetings and Events
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, described the history, mission and current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.  Barb described the impressive resources available on The Volunteer Center website at      volunteercenterhelps.org
She and members also had a robust discussion about how the Club can better coordinate with The Volunteer Center.
The meeting also featured the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.  Congratulations Saad!
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others
The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary. In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.

Rotary Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine. 

The following is a summary of some of the opportunities to contribute through Rotary:
How to Donate
The Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund
Donations accepted for the Disaster Response Fund for Ukraine until April 30th
  • Donate online: my.rotary.org/en/disaster-response-fund​​​​
  •  Donate by contribution form: my.rotary.org/en/check-draft-or-wire-payments
River Cities Response to the Crisis in Ukraine
1. Donations to our collaborative efforts with Rotary Club Kyiv International can be made via PayPal at  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X4RN2CEWRXGMU 
2. Alternatively, checks payable to Rotary Club of River Cities can be sent to Alex Todd (their club treasurer) at the Prospect Heights Library, 12 N. Elm Street, Prospect Heights, IL 60070
ShelterBox: https://www.shelterboxusa.org/donate/  Please include "for and in honor of the Ukrainian people", your club name, District 6440, and Donna Lee Gulley as ShelterBox Ambassador. Credit card at website or mail to ShelterBox. PO Box 5055, Santa Barbara, CA 93150.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation further describing these contribution opportunities.
News Story for April 17, 2020 2022-04-17 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for April 10, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Rotary Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  
The following is a summary of some of the opportunities to contribute through Rotary:
How to Donate
The Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund
Donations accepted for the Disaster Response Fund for Ukraine until April 30th
  • Donate online: my.rotary.org/en/disaster-response-fund​​​​
  •  Donate by contribution form: my.rotary.org/en/check-draft-or-wire-payments
River Cities Response to the Crisis in Ukraine
1. Donations to our collaborative efforts with Rotary Club Kyiv International can be made via PayPal at  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X4RN2CEWRXGMU 
2. Alternatively, checks payable to Rotary Club of River Cities can be sent to Alex Todd (their club treasurer) at the Prospect Heights Library, 12 N. Elm Street, Prospect Heights, IL 60070
ShelterBox: https://www.shelterboxusa.org/donate/  Please include "for and in honor of the Ukrainian people", your club name, District 6440, and Donna Lee Gulley as ShelterBox Ambassador. Credit card at website or mail to ShelterBox. PO Box 5055, Santa Barbara, CA 93150.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation further describing these contribution opportunities.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, will describe the current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.
The meeting will also feature the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
Recent Meetings and Events
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
On April 6, 2022, Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, provided a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  Further information about the exhibition can be found at the following:


After the visit to the exhibition the Club hosted a gathering to discuss the exhibition. The Club thanks the Block Museum for providing an introduction to the exhibition and for welcoming our group.
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.
News Story for April 10, 2022 2022-04-10 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for April 4, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Rotary Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  
The following is a summary of some of the opportunities to contribute through Rotary:
How to Donate
The Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund
Donations accepted for the Disaster Response Fund for Ukraine until April 30th
  • Donate online: my.rotary.org/en/disaster-response-fund​​​​
  •  Donate by contribution form: my.rotary.org/en/check-draft-or-wire-payments
River Cities Response to the Crisis in Ukraine
1. Donations to our collaborative efforts with Rotary Club Kyiv International can be made via PayPal at  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X4RN2CEWRXGMU 
2. Alternatively, checks payable to Rotary Club of River Cities can be sent to Alex Todd (their club treasurer) at the Prospect Heights Library, 12 N. Elm Street, Prospect Heights, IL 60070
ShelterBox: https://www.shelterboxusa.org/donate/  Please include "for and in honor of the Ukrainian people", your club name, District 6440, and Donna Lee Gulley as ShelterBox Ambassador. Credit card at website or mail to ShelterBox. PO Box 5055, Santa Barbara, CA 93150.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation further describing these contribution opportunities.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, will provide a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  The Wilmette Theatre is located in downtown Wilmette at 1122 Central Avenue.  Guests are very much invited to join us.
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, will describe the current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.
The meeting will also feature the induction and introduction of new Club member Saad Qureshi.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
Recent Meetings
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, provided an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.  We look forward to a follow up from Chief Lambel this fall which will include an update of recent changes to fire safety rules.
The meeting included recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.  The Club recognized Major Donors Frank Hussey, John Kessler, Jackie McGuire, Sarah Oliver, and George Pearce and Multiple Paul Harris Fellows Tim Frenzer, John Kay and Maureen Barry.  Thanks and congratulations to all those recognized.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
Other Recent Meetings
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
News Story for April 4, 2022 2022-04-04 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for March 28, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Rotary Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  
The following is a summary of some of the opportunities to contribute through Rotary:
How to Donate
The Rotary Foundation Disaster Response Fund
2. District Designated Donations (DDF): Clubs can donate their unallocated District Designated Funds to the Disaster Response Fund by completing the jotForm that will be coming out from the Grants Committee very soon. There is no cash requirement.
River Cities Response to the Crisis in Ukraine
1. Donations to our collaborative efforts with Rotary Club Kyiv International can be made via PayPal at  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X4RN2CEWRXGMU 
2. Alternatively, checks payable to Rotary Club of River Cities can be sent to Alex Todd (our club treasurer) at the Prospect Heights Library, 12 N. Elm Street, Prospect Heights, IL 60070
ShelterBox: https://www.shelterboxusa.org/donate/  Please include "for and in honor of the Ukrainian people", your club name, District 6440, and Donna Lee Gulley as ShelterBox Ambassador. Credit card at website or mail to ShelterBox. PO Box 5055, Santa Barbara, CA 93150.
Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund in support of Ukraine can be made online at Disaster Response Fund | My Rotary. All funds need to be received into the Disaster Response Fund by 30 April, 2022 in order to qualify for use in support of the Ukrainian relief efforts.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation further describing these contribution opportunities.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, will provide an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.
The meeting will also include recognition of several of the Club's donors to The Rotary Foundation.
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, will provide a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  The Wilmette Theatre is located in downtown Wilmette at 1122 Central Avenue.
April 13, 2022 -- Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, The Volunteer Center
Barbara Tubekis, Executive Director, will describe the current activities of The Volunteer Center, located in Winnetka, Illinois.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Our sixth Community Conversation, held on February 23, 2022, featured Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The the Club had a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson spoke about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club discussed direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev, describing his Club's interactions with a Rotary Club Kiev International.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, discussed the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation describing these initiatives and opportunities.
Other Recent Meetings
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  Further information about the exhibition can be found at the following:


After the visit to the exhibition the Club hosted a gathering to discuss the exhibition. The Club thanks the Block Museum for providing an introduction to the exhibition and for welcoming our group.
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to receive a powerpoint of the presentation.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.
News Story for March 28, 2022 2022-03-28 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for March 21, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular Wednesday morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Rotary Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  
Upcoming Events and Meetings
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson, Andy Ullman, Donna Lee Gulley and Others

The regular meeting will be a robust discussion options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the activities and opportunities of Rotary.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions. Suzanne Gibson will speak about the Disaster Relief Fund and the credibility of The Rotary Foundation on the world stage for using funds wisely and giving the impacted area the ability to create grants specific to their needs.
Andy Ullman of the River Cities Rotary Club will discuss direct financial aid to Rotarians on the ground in Kiev.
Donna Lee Gulley, Rotary Shelter Box Ambassador, will discuss the Shelter Box's role as a trusted partner of Rotary for many years, on many continents and many dire situations.
How to Donate
Disaster Response Fund
2. District Designated Donations (DDF): Clubs can donate their unallocated District Designated Funds to the Disaster Response Fund by completing the jotForm that will be coming out from the Grants Committee very soon. There is no cash requirement, 
River Cities Response to the Crisis in Ukraine
1. Donations to our collaborative efforts with Rotary Club Kyiv International can be made via PayPal at  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X4RN2CEWRXGMU 
2. Alternatively, checks payable to Rotary Club of River Cities can be sent to Alex Todd (our club treasurer) at the Prospect Heights Library, 12 N. Elm Street, Prospect Heights, IL 60070
ShelterBox: https://www.shelterboxusa.org/donate/  Please include "for and in honor of the Ukrainian people", your club name, District 6440, and Donna Lee Gulley as ShelterBox Ambassador. Credit card at website or mail to ShelterBox. PO Box 5055, Santa Barbara, CA 93150.
Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund in support of Ukraine can be made online at Disaster Response Fund | My Rotary. All funds need to be received into the Disaster Response Fund by 30 April, 2022 in order to qualify for use in support of the Ukrainian relief efforts.
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, will provide an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, will provide a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  The Wilmette Theatre is located in downtown Wilmette at 1122 Central Avenue.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present the second in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Recent Meetings
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright provided a delightful and informative presentation on bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will continue to be available to those attending regular meetings in person.
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  Further information about the exhibition can be found at the following:


After the visit to the exhibition the Club hosted a gathering to discuss the exhibition. The Club thanks the Block Museum for providing an introduction to the exhibition and for welcoming our group.
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Anyone who would like to see a copy of Melissa's powerpoint presentation should please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.
News Story for March 21, 2022 2022-03-21 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for March 14, 2022


Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Rotary Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  The following are some of the responses of Rotary International, the Rotary Foundation and Rotary District 6440.
1.  For those who would like to donate through the District 6440 Charitable Fund, District 6440 has activated an online Ukraine donation portal.    https://form.jotform.com/62386028569971
2: The Rotary River Cities club has a well established relationship with the Rotary Club of Kyiv International and is directly supporting their efforts on the ground providing food, blankets, hygiene and baby needs.  The Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield is supporting this effort with the opportunity to expedite your charitable donation using this secure link  .
3.  Rotary International partner Shelter Box is fully engaged and on the ground in Ukraine.  Learn more about their objectives and directly support their efforts here.
4. The Rotary Foundation has established a specific Ukraine Disaster Response Channel supporting humanitarian efforts. For more information and to support this specific campaign visit THIS LINK. 


Upcoming Events and Meetings

March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright will discuss bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Purple Valley Farm is an eco-friendly farm with a handful of hives nestled among our heirloom fruit trees. The farm is run by Kenilworth native, Anna Swisher Wright.  Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Jonesborough, TN, the farm operates the old-fashioned way, sustainably harvesting honey by hand and bottling one jar at a time. In this short presentation, you will learn about the incredible life cycle of the honey bee, the anatomy of a hive, how honey is extracted, and what you can do to support bees in your neighborhoods and beyond. 
Samples of Purple Valley Farm honey will be available to those attending in person at the March 16, 2022 regular meeting.
March 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Discussion of Options for Making Contributions to Relieve the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis:  Suzanne Gibson and Others

The Club will discuss options for contributing to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, including a presentation by Suzanne Gibson, District Rotary Foundation Chair.

In response to the deepening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, The Rotary Foundation has created an official channel for Rotary members around the world to contribute funds to support the relief efforts underway by Rotary Districts and has designated its Disaster Response Fund as the main avenue for contributions.
Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund in support of Ukraine can be made online at Disaster Response Fund | My Rotary. All funds need to be received into the Disaster Response Fund by 30 April, 2022 in order to qualify for use in support of the Ukrainian relief efforts.
March 30, 2022 -- Brian Lambel, Fire Chief, Village of Wilmette
Brian Lambel, Fire Chief of the Village of Wilmette, will provide an update of the Fire Department, including a review of his first year serving as Fire Chief and the Fire Department's Stategic Plan.
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, will provide a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  The Wilmette Theatre is located in downtown Wilmette at 1122 Central Avenue.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present the second in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Recent Meetings
March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, provided an informative description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  Further information about the exhibition can be found at the following:


After the visit to the exhibition the Club hosted a gathering to discuss the exhibition. The Club thanks the Block Museum for providing an introduction to the exhibition and for welcoming our group.
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Anyone who would like to see a copy of Melissa's powerpoint presentation should please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.


News Story for March 14, 2022 2022-03-14 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for March 6, 2022

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  

Starting on the regular meeting scheduled for March 9, 2022, unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Upcoming Events and Meetings

March 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Raul Guzman, Blue Star Recyclers
Raul Guzman, Plant Manager of Blue Star Recyclers at its nearby facility, will provide a description of the mission and activities of Blue Star Recyclers.

Blue Star Recylers is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to create jobs for adults with autism and other developmental differences, along with providing established electronics recycling services.  Blue Star handles most types of electronic waste.  More information can be found at the following:


March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright will discuss bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
April 6, 2022 Evening Event -- Wilmette Theatre Tour and Talk
Amy Falkowski, Program Director of the Wilmette Theatre, will provide a tour of the Wimette Theatre, including recent renovations, and a talk describing the programming and activities of the Wilmette Theatre.  The Wilmette Theatre is located in downtown Wilmette at 1122 Central Avenue.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present the second in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Community Conversation meetings generally will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.
Recent Meetings
March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
On March 2, 2022 members of the Club and guests toured a powerful and compelling exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and the visit was in furtherance of  the Club's ongoing DEI initiative.  Further information about the exhibition can be found at the following:


After the visit to the exhibition the Club hosted a gathering to discuss the exhibition. The Club thanks the Block Museum for providing an introduction to the exhibition and for welcoming our group.
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Anyone who would like to see a copy of Melissa's powerpoint presentation should please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, provided a lively and informative introduction to principles of Fair Trade, discussed examples  of fair and unfair trade, and described Fair Trade products available at their stores.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

News Story for March 6, 2022 2022-03-06 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for February 28, 2022

The thoughts and prayers of so many of us are with the courageous people of Ukraine.  Club members are asked to forward ideas to Mike Bailey regarding how the Club should consider doing its part to help to respond to this humanitarian crisis.

Starting on the regular meeting scheduled for March 9, 2022, unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Upcoming Events and Meetings

March 2, 2002 Evening Event -- Visit to Block Museum "A Site of Struggle" Exhibition
The Club has arranged a visit to tour the exhibition at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus on March 2, 2022, starting at 5:20 pm for the Club's "first Wednesday" event for March.  Erin Northington of the Block Museum has graciously offered to provide a brief introduction at 5:30 pm, and asks that visitors arrive early so that we can start promptly at that time.
The exhibition is A Site of Struggle: American Art against Anti-Black Violence and is intended to further the Club's DEI initiative.  Further information about the exhibition can be found at the following:


Please note that the Block Museum visitor guidelines for the exhibition.  Among other things, please assume that the Block Museum will require visitors to be fully vaccinated and to show vaccination cards.  Guests to join us for this exhibition, but please note that we are limited to 25 visitors in our group
After the visit to the exhibition the Club will host a small, casual and very informal dinner gathering at the home of Mike Bailey at 710 Laurel Avenue in Wilmette to discuss the exhibition.  Please Mike Bailey know if you expect to attend (only those who join us for the visit please).
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright will discuss bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present the second in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Community Conversation meetings generally will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.
Recent Meetings
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. provided an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  Dr. Cremascoli provided an engaging update of District 39's strategic plan, recent changes in policies relating to masks and other developments.  This presentation was the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Anyone who would like to see a copy of Melissa's powerpoint presentation should please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, provided a lively and informative introduction to principles of Fair Trade, discussed examples  of fair and unfair trade, and described Fair Trade products available at their stores.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

News Story for February 28, 2022 2022-02-28 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for February 21, 2022

The Club will conducting regular meetings by Zoom only until the regular meeting scheduled for March 9, 2022.  The Harbor Club in Gillson Park, which is the venue for all Club regular meetings, will be closed for repairs during that time and in person regular meetings will NOT be held.

Starting on the regular meeting scheduled for March 9, 2022, unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Upcoming Events and Meetings

February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. will provide an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  This presentation will be the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.  Please note that this Community Conversation meeting will be held in Zoom-only manner.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright will discuss bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
May 4, 2022 Evening Meeting -- Senta Plunkett, Wilmette Village President
Senta Plunkett, Village President of Wilmette, will present the second in the Club's 2022 series of "Community Conversations."

More About the Club's Community Conversation SeriesEach Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.

The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series will be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, 2021 and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.  Our fifth Community Conversation was held on the evening of November 3, 2021, when Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative. 

At the Club's November 2, 2021 Community Conversation, Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Recent Meetings
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum offered a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Anyone who would like to see a copy of Melissa's powerpoint presentation should please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of ChicagoJoe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.

Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.


News Story for February 21, 2022 2022-02-21 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for February 14, 2022

The Club will conducting regular meetings by Zoom only until the regular meeting scheduled for March 9, 2022.  The Harbor Club in Gillson Park, which is the venue for all Club regular meetings, will be closed for repairs during that time and in person regular meetings will NOT be held.

Starting on the regular meeting scheduled for March 9, 2022, unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.   

Upcoming Events and Meetings

February 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Club Forum
The February 16, 2022 meeting will be a Club Forum to discuss Club activities and initiatives.  Particular focus will be given to activities of the Membership Committee and to planning for upcoming Community Conversations.
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. will provide an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  This presentation will be the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
March 16, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Anna Wright, Purple Valley Farm
Anna Wright will discuss bees and her Purple Valley Farm apiary located in Jonesborough, Tennessee.
Recent Meetings
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum will offer a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Melissa provided a great presentation on the Chicago Region Trees Initiative. Anyone who would like to see a copy of Melissa's powerpoint presentation should please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, provided a lively and informative introduction to principles of Fair Trade, discussed examples  of fair and unfair trade, and described Fair Trade products available at their stores.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

Greg Michel

We are sad to report that long-time former member Greg Michel has passed away.  We understand that no services are planned at this time.  Our deep condolences to Greg's loved ones and thanks to Greg for his many years of service with the Club and Rotary.
News Story for February 14, 2022 2022-02-14 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for February 7, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

Upcoming Events and Meetings

February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager in affiliation with The Morton Arboretum will offer a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. will provide an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  This presentation will be the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
Recent Meetings
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club hosted a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  Ben Ivory led an engaging an informative discussion of the book and of the history and current condition of the Great Lakes. The group discussed the steps ordinary citizens can consider to help to preserve the Great Lakes and how the themes of the book relate to the Rotary test "Is it the truth?"  Particular thanks to Ben Ivory for arranging this event and for preparing a video and interesting slides for discussion by the group.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, provided a lively and informative introduction to principles of Fair Trade, discussed examples  of fair and unfair trade, and described Fair Trade products available at their stores.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

Greg Michel

We are sad to report that long-time former member Greg Michel has passed away.  We understand that no services are planned at this time.  Our deep condolences to Greg's loved ones and thanks to Greg for his many years of service with the Club and Rotary.
News Story for February 7, 2022 2022-02-07 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for January 31, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

Upcoming Events and Meetings

February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion -- 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
The Environmental Committee of the Club will host a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  The discussion will be available by Zoom only. Members and guests are invited to participate even if they have not yet had the opportunity to read the book, because the discussion will generally encompass the history and current status of the Great Lakes.
A Zoom link will be distributed to members and others interested in participating.
February 2, 2022 Membership Committee Meeting -- 7:30 am to 8:30 am
The Membership Committee of the Club will meet on Wednesday, February 2, 2022 from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. The meeting will be conducted by Zoom only.  
A Zoom link will be distributed to members.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, The Morton Arboretum
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager of The Morton Arboretum will offer a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. will provide an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  This presentation will be the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
Recent Meetings
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club included election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Club members present unanimously elected the slate, including John Kay as President Nominee (to serve as President-Elect in 2022-23 and President in 2023-24) and Heidi Vorhees as Club Secretary starting in 2022-23.  We thank and congratulate John, Heidi and all of the other officers and directors.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee held a very successful Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am  The drop off location for donated books was Hong Kong Auto Service at 3500 Lake Street in Wilmette.  The Club particularly thanks other local Rotary Clubs and Go Green Wilmette for participating in this Book Drive.

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, provided a lively and informative introduction to principles of Fair Trade, discussed examples  of fair and unfair trade, and described Fair Trade products available at their stores.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

January 5, 2022, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Our Place Tour and Talk

Jane Gallery, President of the Board of Our Place, invited Club members and guests for a tour and talk at 1020 Forest Avenue in Wilmette on January 5.  The mission of Our Place is to support teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that they can live meaningful, productive, socially connected lives in their home community.  Members of the Club participating learned more about the wonderful activities and volunteer opportunities at Our Place. 

Last year, the Club participated in a concert fundraiser to provide support to Our Place.

A detailed description of the activities and history of Our Place can be found at ourplaceofnewtrier.org

Greg Michel

We are sad to report that long-time former member Greg Michel has passed away.  We understand that no services are planned at this time.  Our deep condolences to Greg's loved ones and thanks to Greg for his many years of service with the Club and Rotary.
News Story for January 31, 2022 2022-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for January 24, 2022

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club will include election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Bylaw amendments and other Club business are also expected to be discussed.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee has arranged for a Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am  The drop off location for donated books will be Hong Kong Auto Service at 3500 Lake Street in Wilmette.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion
The Environmental Committee of the Club will host a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  The discussion will be available by Zoom only.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, The Morton Arboretum
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager of The Morton Arboretum will offer a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting -- A "Community Conversation"with Kari Cremascoli, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette Public Schools District 39
Kari Cremascoli, Ph.D. will provide an update of developments at Wilmette Public Schools District 39.  This presentation will be the first of the Club's 2022 "Community Conversation" series.
Recent Meetings

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, made a compelling and informative presentation to the Club, describing his service as Inspector General and the current status of the Inspector General and other government oversight functions in Chicago.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, provided a lively and informative introduction to principles of Fair Trade, discussed examples  of fair and unfair trade, and described Fair Trade products available at their stores.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

January 5, 2022, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Our Place Tour and Talk

Jane Gallery, President of the Board of Our Place, invited Club members and guests for a tour and talk at 1020 Forest Avenue in Wilmette on January 5.  The mission of Our Place is to support teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that they can live meaningful, productive, socially connected lives in their home community.  Members of the Club participating learned more about the wonderful activities and volunteer opportunities at Our Place. 

Last year, the Club participated in a concert fundraiser to provide support to Our Place.

A detailed description of the activities and history of Our Place can be found at ourplaceofnewtrier.org

News Story for January 24, 2022 2022-01-23 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for January 17, 2022

In honor of this day:  "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held at 7:30 am in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson, former Inspector General of the City of Chicago, will make a presentation to the Club.
Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club will include election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Bylaw amendments and other Club business are also expected to be discussed.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee has arranged for a Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am  The drop off location for donated books will be Hong Kong Auto Service at 3500 Lake Street in Wilmette.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion
The Environmental Committee of the Club will host a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  The discussion will be available by Zoom and, depending on interest, may also be conducted in a hybrid manner.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, The Morton Arboretum
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager of The Morton Arboretum will offer a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"
Recent Meetings

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, provided a lively and informative introduction to principles of Fair Trade, discussed examples  of fair and unfair trade, and described Fair Trade products available at their stores.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

January 5, 2022, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Our Place Tour and Talk

Jane Gallery, President of the Board of Our Place, invited Club members and guests for a tour and talk at 1020 Forest Avenue in Wilmette on January 5.  The mission of Our Place is to support teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that they can live meaningful, productive, socially connected lives in their home community.  Members of the Club participating learned more about the wonderful activities and volunteer opportunities at Our Place. 

Last year, the Club participated in a concert fundraiser to provide support to Our Place.

A detailed description of the activites and history of Our Place can be found at ourplaceofnewtrier.org



News Story for January 17, 2022 2022-01-17 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for January 10, 2022

January 5, 2022, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Our Place Tour and Talk

Jane Gallery, President of the Board of Our Place, invited Club members and guests for a tour and talk at 1020 Forest Avenue in Wilmette on January 5.  The mission of Our Place is to support teens and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities so that they can live meaningful, productive, socially connected lives in their home community.  Members of the Club participating learned more about the wonderful activities and volunteer opportunities at Our Place. 

Last year, the Club participated in a concert fundraiser to provide support to Our Place.

A detailed description of the activites and history of Our Place can be found at ourplaceofnewtrier.org

January 12, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Ten Thousand Villages

Robb Geiger and Joseph Meyer, both from the Ten Thousand Villages store in Evanston, will give an introduction to principles fo Fair Trade, tell stories of fair and unfair trade, and show Fair Trade products.

Robb Geiger has been volunteering at the Evanston store since 2010, and he has been on the Board of Ten Thousand Villages for seven years; he is the current Chair.  Joseph Meyer has been manager of the Evanston store for seven years; has has over 30 years of retail experience, both in large and small stores.

Unless otherwise specifically indicated regular morning meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending. Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

January 19, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Joe Ferguson, Former Inspector General of the City of Chicago

Joe Ferguson recently concluded a 12-year tenure leading the Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG), serving under three mayors.  Chicago OIG is a nationally regarded municipal oversight agency with a professional staff of over 100 people conducting independent administrative and criminal investigations, government performance audits and program evaluations and inspections of operations and personnel (over 35,000 employees, officials, contractors, vendors and licensees) of the City of Chicago and associated governmental entities.  Ferguson worked in the Office of the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois where he investigated and litigated a wide array of criminal and civil cases and held multiple management posts including as Deputy of the Financial Crimes Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Forfeiture Section and Terrorist Financing Coordinator.  He has held teaching posts.  He presently is a lecturer at Loyola University (Chicago) Law School, where he is a founding Co-Director of its National Security and Civil Rights program.  He also has taught at the UIC John Marshall Law School, Lake Forest College, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) National Advocacy Center and the DOJ Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Training.  Ferguson received a J.D. from the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and B.A. from Lake Forest College.  Ferguson presently is a Pritzker Fellow at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics.
January 26, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Annual Meeting and Club Forum
The Annual Meeting of the Club will include election of officers and directors for the 2022-23 year.  Bylaw amendments and other Club business are also expected to be discussed.
January 29, 2022 Book Drive
The Environmental Committee has arranged for a Book Drive on January 29, 2022, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am  The drop off location for donated books will be Hong Kong Auto Service at 3500 Lake Street in Wilmette.
February 2, 2022 Evening Event -- Environmental Committee Book Discussion
The Environmental Committee of the Club will host a discussion of The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan.  The discussion will be available by Zoom and, depending on interest, may also be conducted in a hybrid manner.
February 9, 2022 Regular Meeting -- Melissa Custic, The Morton Arboretum
Melissa Custic, Chicago Region Trees Initiative Operations Manager of The Morton Arboretum will offer a presentation on "Urban Forest Update: What's Going on with our Trees?"

Highlights from late 2021

Certain highlights of the Club's activities in the last part of 2021 are as follows.

December 8, 2021 Meeting --District Governor Kevin Stevens Official Governor Visit and Recognition of Major Donors

Kevin Stevens, District Governor of Rotary District 6440, joined the meeting of the Club on December 8, 2021, in his Official Governor Visit to the Club.  Kevin offered an informative presentation, highlighting in particular how the Club can better interact with the District, Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation.

The meeting also included a presentation by Donna Gulley and others recognizing as Major Donors Club member Frank Hussey and his spouse Gail, and Club member George Pearce and his spouse Mary.  The Club also recognized prior Major Donors John Kessler and Herb McDowell.

November 3, 2021 Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community

On the evening of November 3, 2021, the Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.

Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Making this event a success was truly a team effort of many Club members. Special thanks to Susan Fisher and George Pearce for organizing this event (and special thanks to the wonderful panelists for the event).  The event was recorded on Zoom.  Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to view the recorded program.
The Club's Holiday Fundraiser 
The Club has very successfully concluded its annual Holiday Fundraiser. Funds and contributions raised in this fundraiser enable the Club, through its Foundation, to support a wide range of charitable and other community organizations and programs. The fundraiser included a variety of gifts for purchase, a raffle and ways to contribute to the Club's Foundation.  Thanks to Jim Waite, Jim Pockross, Jim Bowman and the entire Fundraising Committee for their great work on this Club effort.  

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series may be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021, featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series was the "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community." held on the  evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021.  
Community Conversation meetings generally will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person or by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
News Story for January 10, 2022 2022-01-09 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for November 29, 2021

December 1, 2021 Evening Zoom Event -- Gillson Beach Clean-Up Discussion

Sarah Murphy, ambassador for the Alliance for the Great Lakes and founder of toesnwater, will lead a discussion of the Gillson Beach clean-up the Club has participated in in 2021 and prior years. The discussion will include information about the trash found on the beach, the impacts of litter on the Great Lakes, and how plastics impacts wildlife.

The discussion has been organized by the Club's Environmental Committee. 

The meeting will be held from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm and will be in Zoom-only.  The Zoom link will be forwarded to members and others interested in participating.

Other Club Activities Scheduled for December

December 6, 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm.  Special Board of Directors Meeting.

District Governor Kevin Stevens will attend the Board meeting.  The meeting will be held in Zoom-only.

December 8, 7:30 am to 8:30 am.  Harbor Club.  Club Meeting with District Governor Kevin Stevens.

Club members are particularly encouraged to participate in this important Club meeting.  Club members reminded that they are invited to raise questions and discussion topics in advance of Kevin's discussion with the Club.

The meeting will be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

December 9, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  Harbor Club.  Club Holiday Party.

The holiday party will be in part conducted in a hybrid manner, so that as many Club members as possible can participate in the event either in person or by Zoom.  In the first half of the meeting, Club members are invited to offer brief holiday stories, anecdotes, poems or other readings, or jokes (only those in good taste, please).  We will target about one or two minutes for each of the member presentations.  Please seek inspiration from your muses!
The second half of the part will be only in-person.  Wine, beer and some holiday refreshments will be available.

December 15, 2021, 7:30 am to 8:30 am, Harbor Club.  Club Annual Meeting.

No other meetings or events are scheduled until January 5, 2022.

November 24, 2021 Meeting -- Club Forum

On Wednesday, November 24, 2021 meeting was Club Forum focused in particular on membership and planning and follow-up for Community Conversations.

November 17, 2021 Meeting -- Bill Selonick, Teatro ZinZanni

The November 17, 2021 meeting of the Club featured Bill Selonick, producer, Teatro ZinZanni.  Teatro Zinzanni is a theater production now running in downtown Chicago with Cirque, Clowning and Broadway quality vocals.  Bill Selonick offered an engaging presentation detailing the origins of Teatro ZinZanni and the work required to navigate the Payroll Protection Program and Shuttered Venues Program that ensured the show's survival.  Bill also offered an informative discussion of Teatro ZinZanni's efforts to further diversity, inclusion and equity.

November 10, 2021 Meeting -- Amy Torf, Executive Director, Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation

The November 10, 2021 meeting of the Club featured a presentation by Amy Torf, Executive Director of Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation. 

Noggin Builders Foundation’s mission is to develop and enhance the creative problem solving skills of youth through unique, hands-on STEM experiences.  Noggin Builders Foundation provides low-cost or no-cost STEM programming to children who do not have ongoing access to STEM.

November 3, 2021 Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community

On the evening of November 3, 2021 the Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.

Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Making this event a success was truly a team effort of many Club members. Special thanks to Susan Fisher and George Pearce for organizing this event (and special thanks to the wonderful panelists for the event).  The event was recorded on Zoom.  Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to view the recorded program.
Fundraising  to Support Refugees at Camp Atterbury
Over the past month the Club has completed a very successful fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana.  Special thanks to Sue Watson for her service volunteering at Camp Atterbury, providing information about the refugee needs at Camp Atterbury and leading our Club's special fundraising efforts. Thanks also to the other local Rotary Clubs who joined us in this effort.
The Club's Holiday Fundraiser is Now a Focus of the Club
The Club is now well into its annual Holiday Fundraiser. Funds and contributions raised in this fundraiser enable the Club, through its Foundation, to support a wide range of charitable and other community organizations and programs. The fundraiser includes a variety of gifts for purchase, a raffle and ways to contribute to the Club's Foundation. Please consider submitting orders before Thanksgiving. Please see
for more information or to order online. Thanks to Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and the entire Fundraising Committee for their great work on this Club effort.  Please contact Jim Waite with any questions.
Club Member Jim Pockross Hosted a Thanksgiving Ceremony of Gratitude
Club Member Jim Pockross hosted a Ceremony of Gratitude on Thanksgiving morning. During the event, participants shared with others what people and things they are grateful for in their lives. We all thank Jim for inviting members to participate in this ceremony.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of certain months at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series may be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021 featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series was the "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community." held on the  evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021.  
Community Conversation meetings generally will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
Environmental Committee News:
Book Drive -- Open Books
The Environmental Committee is organizing a book drive this year with Open Books, following the successful book drive last year.  The book drive is tentatively scheduled for the morning of Saturday, January 29, 2022.
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Environmental Book Selection
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is in the process of finalizing a selection for an environmental book for the Club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.   The Club tentatively plans to set aside one of our "first Wednesday" evening events for discussion of the book selected.
News Story for November 29, 2021 2021-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for November 22, 2021

November 24, 2021 Meeting -- Club Forum

The next regular meeting of the Club will be held at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park on Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 7:30 am and will be a Club Forum.  The Club Forum will focus in particular on membership, planning and follow-up for Community Conversations and Bylaw amendments.

As has been the case for recent meetings of the Club, the meeting will be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

November 17, 2021 Meeting -- Bill Selonick, Teatro ZinZanni

The November 17, 2021 meeting of the Club featured Bill Selonick, producer, Teatro ZinZanni.  Teatro Zinzanni is a theater production now running in downtown Chicago with Cirque, Clowning and Broadway quality vocals.  Bill Selonick offered an engaging presentation detailing the origins of Teatro ZinZanni and the work required to navigate the Payroll Protection Program and Shuttered Venues Program that ensured the show's survival.  Bill also offered an informative discussion of Teatro ZinZanni's efforts to further diversity, inclusion and equity.

November 10, 2021 Meeting -- Amy Torf, Executive Director, Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation

The November 10, 2021 meeting of the Club featured a presentation by Amy Torf, Executive Director of Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation. 

Noggin Builders Foundation’s mission is to develop and enhance the creative problem solving skills of youth through unique, hands-on STEM experiences.  Noggin Builders Foundation provides low-cost or no-cost STEM programming to children who do not have ongoing access to STEM.

November 3, 2021 Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community

On the evening of November 3, 2021 the Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.

Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Making this event a success was truly a team effort of many Club members. Special thanks to Susan Fisher and George Pearce for organizing this event (and special thanks to the wonderful panelists for the event).  The event was recorded on Zoom.  Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to view the recorded program.
Fundraising  to Support Refugees at Camp Atterbury
Over the past few weeks the Club has completed a very successful fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana.  Special thanks to Sue Watson for her service volunteering at Camp Atterbury, providing information about the refugee needs at Camp Atterbury and leading our Club's special fundraising efforts. Thanks also to the other local Rotary Clubs who joined us in this effort.
The Club's Holiday Fundraiser is Now a Focus of the Club
The Club is now well into its annual Holiday Fundraiser. Funds and contributions raised in this fundraiser enable the Club, through its Foundation, to support a wide range of charitable and other community organizations and programs. The fundraiser includes a variety of gifts for purchase, a raffle and ways to contribute to the Club's Foundation. Please consider submitting orders before Thanksgiving. Please see
for more information or to order online. Thanks to Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and the entire Fundraising Committee for their great work on this Club effort.  Please contact Jim Waite with any questions.
Club Member Jim Pockross to Host a Thanksgiving Ceremony of Gratitude
Club Member Jim Pockross will host a Ceremony of Gratitude on Thanksgiving morning. During the event, participants will share with others what people and things they are grateful for in their lives. The event will be held on Zoom at 10:00 am Central Time. The Zoom link will be forwarded to any who express an interest in participating.

Edens Pollination Garden

On November 10, 2021, the Village of Wilmette installed a sign at the Pollination Garden at Lake and Laramie in Wilmette recognizing the Club's contribution to that project.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series may be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  Our next Community Conversation will be scheduled for the end of January 2022.
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021 featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series was the "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community." held on the  evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021.  
Community Conversation meetings generally will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
Environmental Committee News:
Book Drive -- Open Books
The Environmental Committee is organizing a book drive this year with Open Books, following the successful book drive last year.  The book drive is tentatively scheduled for the morning of Saturday, January 29, 2022.
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Environmental Book Selection
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is in the process of finalizing a selection for an environmental book for the Club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.   The Club tentatively plans to set aside one of our "first Wednesday" evening events for discussion of the book selected.
News Story for November 22, 2021 2021-11-22 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for November 15, 2021

November 17, 2021 Meeting -- Bill Selonick, Teatro ZinZanni

The next regular meeting of the Club will be held at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 7:30 am and will feature Bill Selonick, producer, Teatro ZinZanni.  Teatro Zinzanni is a theater production now running in downtown Chicago with Cirque, Clowning and Broadway quality vocals.  Bill Selonick will detail the origins of Teatro ZinZanni and the work required to navigate the Payroll Protection Program and Shuttered Venues Program that ensured the show's survival.

As has been the case for recent meetings of the Club, the meeting will be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  

November 10, 2021 Meeting -- Amy Torf, Executive Director, Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation

The November 10, 2021 meeting of the Club featured a presentation by Amy Torf, Executive Director of Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation. 

Noggin Builders Foundation’s mission is to develop and enhance the creative problem solving skills of youth through unique, hands-on STEM experiences.  Noggin Builders Foundation provides low-cost or no-cost STEM programming to children who do not have ongoing access to STEM.

November 3, 2021 Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community

On the evening of November 3, 2021 the Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.

Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Making this event a success was truly a team effort of many Club members. Special thanks to Susan Fisher and George Pearce for organizing this event (and special thanks to the wonderful panelists for the event).  The event was recorded on Zoom.  Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to view the recorded program.
Fundraising  to Support Refugees at Camp Atterbury
Over the past few weeks the Club has completed a very successful fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana.  Special thanks to Sue Watson for her service volunteering at Camp Atterbury, providing information about the refugee needs at Camp Atterbury and leading our Club's special fundraising efforts. Thanks also to the other local Rotary Clubs who joined us in this effort.
The Club's Holiday Fundraiser is Now a Focus of the Club
The Club is now past the mid-point of its annual Holiday Fundraiser. Funds and contributions raised in this fundraiser enable the Club, through its Foundation, to support a wide range of charitable and other community organizations and programs. The fundraiser includes a variety of gifts for purchase, a raffle and ways to contribute to the Club's Foundation. Please consider submitting orders before Thanksgiving. Please see
for more information or to order online. Thanks to Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and the entire Fundraising Committee for their great work on this Club effort.  Please contact Jim Waite with any questions.
Club Member Jim Pockross to Host a Thanksgiving Ceremony of Gratitude
Club Member Jim Pockross will host a Ceremony of Gratitude on Thanksgiving morning. During the event, participants will share with others what people and things they are grateful for in their lives. The event will be held on Zoom at 10:00 am Central Time. The Zoom link will be forwarded to any who express an interest in participating.

Edens Pollination Garden

On November 10, 2021, the Village of Wilmette installed a sign at the Pollination Garden at Lake and Laramie in Wilmette recognizing the Club's contribution to that project.

October 27, 2021 Meeting

The October 27, 2021 meeting featured an engaging and information presentation by Michael Clarke, owner of the Pit & Tap restaurant that recently opened at 1168 Wilmette Avenue in downtown Wilmette. 

The October 27, 2021 meeting also included an update of the Club's extraordinary fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury.

October 13, 2021 Meeting -- Exodus World Service

The October 13, 2021 regular meeting of the Club featured Carissa Zaffiro of Exodus World Service.  Carissa discussed the efforts of her organization to support refugees in this time of pressing needs. Her presentation complemented the Club's special initiative to provide support to refugees at Camp Atterbury in Indiana.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series

Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series may be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  Our next Community Conversation will be scheduled for the end of January 2022.
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021 featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series was the "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community." held on the  evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021.  
Community Conversation meetings generally will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
World Polio Day -- the Club's Activities to led by Frank Hussey
World Polio Day was October 24.  Rotary and its partners have reduced polio cases by 99.9% since 1998.  See
Thanks to Frank Hussey for leading our Club's activities by fundraising activities on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 22, 23 and 24.  
Environmental Committee News:
Book Drive -- Open Books
The Environmental Committee is organizing a book drive this year with Open Books, following the successful book drive last year.  The book drive is tentatively scheduled for the morning of Saturday, January 29, 2022.
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Environmental Book Selection
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is in the process of finalizing a selection for an environmental book for the Club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.   The Club tentatively plans to set aside one of our "first Wednesday" evening events for discussion of the book selected.
News Story for November 15, 2021 2021-11-15 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for November 9, 2021


November 10, 2021 Meeting -- Amy Torf, Executive Director, Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation

The next regular meeting of the Club will be held at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 7:30 am will feature a presentation by Amy Torf, Executive Director of Noggin Builders and Noggin Builders Foundation. 

Noggin Builders Foundation’s mission is to develop and enhance the creative problem solving skills of youth through unique, hands-on STEM experiences.  Noggin Builders Foundation believes that creative problem solving and critical thinking are keys to the future success of our children and to the creation of a better world. All children should have the opportunity to build these key skills. Noggin Builders Foundation provides low-cost or no-cost STEM programming to children who do not have ongoing access to STEM.

November 3, 2021 Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community

On the evening of November 3, 2021 the Club hosted a Community Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community. This panel discussion panel furthered the Club's continuing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.

Van Gilmer of the Wilmette Human Relations Commission moderated an informative and lively discussion. The panelists were as follows:

Miya Hasegawa, Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROs) member
John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette Historian and former Village of Wilmette President
Rev. Erin Raska, Associate Minister at Glencoe Union Church
Gerry Smith, Chair, Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission

Making this event a success was truly a team effort of many Club members. Special thanks to Susan Fisher and George Pearce for organizing this event (and special thanks to the wonderful panelists for the event).  The event was recorded on Zoom.  Please contact Mike Bailey at mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to view the recorded program.
Fundraising  to Support Refugees at Camp Atterbury
Over the past few weeks the Club has completed a very successful fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana.  Special thanks to Sue Watson for her service volunteering at Camp Atterbury, providing information about the refugee needs at Camp Atterbury and leading our Club's special fundraising efforts. Thanks also to the other local Rotary Clubs who joined us in this effort.
The Club's Holiday Fundraiser is Now a Focus of the Club
The Club is now at the mid-point of its annual Holiday Fundraiser. Funds and contributions raised in this fundraiser enable the Club, through its Foundation, to support a wide range of charitable and other community organizations and programs. The fundraiser includes a variety of gifts for purchase, a raffle and ways to contribute to the Club's Foundation. Please consider submitting orders before Thanksgiving. Please see
for more information or to order online. Thanks to Jim Waite, Jim Pockcross and the entire Fundraising Committee for their great work on this Club effort.  Please contact Jim Waite with any questions.
Club Member Jim Pockcross to Host a Thanksgiving Ceremony of Gratitude
Club Member Jim Pockcross will host a Ceremony of Gratitude on Thanksgiving morning. During the event, participants will share with others what people and things they are grateful for in their lives. The event will be held on Zoom at 10:00 am Central Time. The Zoom link will be forwarded to any who express an interest in participating.

October 27, 2021 Meeting

The October 27, 2021 featured an engaging and information presentation by Michael Clarke, owner of the Pit & Tap restaurant that recently opened at 1168 Wilmette Avenue in downtown Wilmette. 

The October 27, 2021 meeting also included an update of the Club's extraordinary fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury.

October 20, 2021 Meeting -- Linda Borton

The October 20, 2021 regular meeting of the Club featured a presentation by Linda Borton, District Trainer, District 6440. Linda's presentation was titled "I like my Rotary Club, BUT . . . . (I love Rotary and my club is just one part of it)".  

October 13, 2021 Meeting -- Exodus World Service

The October 13, 2021 regular meeting of the Club featured Carissa Zaffiro of Exodus World Service.  Carissa discussed the efforts of her organization to support refugees in this time of pressing needs. Her presentation complemented the Club's special initiative to provide support to refugees at Camp Atterbury in Indiana.

More About the Club's Community Conversation Series
Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form (although please note that some events in our Community Conversation series may be held in the evening on the first Wednesday of a month).  Our next Community Conversation will be scheduled for the end of January 2022.
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.  Our fourth Community Conversation, held on September 29, 2021 featured Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series was the "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community." held on the  evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021.  
Community Conversation meetings generally will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
World Polio Day -- the Club's Activities to led by Frank Hussey
World Polio Day was October 24.  Rotary and its partners have reduced polio cases by 99.9% since 1998.  See
Thanks to Frank Hussey for leading our Club's activities by fundraising activities on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 22, 23 and 24.  
Environmental Committee News:
Book Drive -- Open Books
The Environmental Committee is organizing a book drive this year with Open Books, following the successful book drive last year.  The book drive is tentatively scheduled for the morning of Saturday, January 29, 2022.
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Environmental Book Selection
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is in the process of finalizing a selection for an environmental book for the Club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.   The Club tentatively plans to set aside one of our "first Wednesday" evening events for discussion of the book selected.
News Story for November 9, 2021 2021-11-09 06:00:00Z 0

News Story for October 24, 2021

October 27, 2021 Meeting

The October 27, 2021 regular meeting of the Club will be held at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park at 7:30 am.  The meeting will feature a presentation by Michael Clarke, owner of the Pit & Tap restaurant that recently opened at 1168 Wilmette Avenue in downtown Wilmette.  Michael will discuss his restaurant and his experience of the process of opening a new restaurant business in Wilmette.

The October 27, 2021 meeting will also include an update of the Club's extraordinary fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury.

The meeting will be conducted in hybrid manner, so that you may participate either in person or by Zoom.  

The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors. 

October 20, 2021 Meeting -- Linda Borton

The October 20, 2021 regular meeting of the Club featured a presentation by Linda Borton, District Trainer, District 6440.  Linda's presentation was titled "I like my Rotary Club, BUT . . . . (I love Rotary and my club is just one part of it)".   She led a helpful discussion about how the Club and its members can continue to productively connect with the many resources of Rotary.

October 13, 2021 Meeting -- Exodus World Service

The October 13, 2021 regular meeting of the Club featured Carissa Zaffiro of Exodus World Service.  Carissa discussed the efforts of her organization to support refugees in this time of pressing needs.  Her presentation was intended to complement the Club's special initiative to provide support to refugees at Camp Atterbury in Indiana.

Special thanks to Ben Ivory for presiding over the meeting.
Fundraising  to Support Refugees at Camp Atterbury
Over the past few weeks the Club has completed a successful fundraising efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana.  Special thanks to Sue Watson for her service volunteering at Camp Atterbury, providing information about the refugee needs at Camp Atterbury and leading our Club's special fundraising efforts.  Thanks also to the other local Rotary Clubs who joined us in this effort. 
September 29, 2021 -- A "Community Conversation" with Julie Wolf
On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, was featured in the fourth "Community Conversation" in our series.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Regular meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.  The event will be a panel discussion furthering the Club's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative:  "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community."
World Polio Day -- the Club's Activities to led by Frank Hussey
World Polio Day is October 24.  Rotary and its partners have reduced polio cases by 99.9% since 1998.  See
Thanks to Frank Hussey for leading our Club's activities by fundraising activities on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 22, 23 and 24.  
Environmental Committee News:
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Beach Sweep
Our Club hosted the Springman Middle School students again this year on Saturday morning, September 25th.  Chris Simcox coordinated the event with a truly impressive turn out of volunteers.  Club members Ben Ivory, John Wertymer, Puran Stevens and Mike Bailey also participated. 
Environmental Book Suggestions
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is looking for suggestions for an environmental book for the club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.   
News Story for October 24, 2021 2021-10-24 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for October 19, 2021

October 20, 2021 Meeting --

The October 20, 2021 regular meeting of the Club will be held at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park at 7:30 am.  The meeting will feature a presentation by Linda Borton, District Trainer, District 6440.  Linda's presentation will be "I like my Rotary Club, BUT . . . . (I love Rotary and my club is just one part of it)".   She will offer ideas to the Club and its members about how we can better connect with Rotary.

The meeting will be conducted in hybrid manner, so that you may participate either in person or by Zoom.  

The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors. 

October 13, 2021 Meeting -- Exodus World Service

The October 13, 2021 regular meeting of the Club featured Carissa Zaffiro of Exodus World Service.  Carissa discussed the efforts of her organization to support refugees in this time of pressing needs.  Her presentation was intended to complement the Club's special initiative to provide support to refugees at Camp Atterbury in Indiana.

Special thanks to Ben Ivory for presiding over the meeting.
October 6, 2021 -- Special Zoom Meeting on Refugee Support Efforts and Visit to Block Museum
On the evening of September 6, the Club held two evening events.
Supporting Refugees at Camp Atterbury
Club members reviewed and discussed  a video of Sue Watson describing her experience volunteering to support refugees currently at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana.  Susan Fisher led a discussion of how the Club can best support these volunteer efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury.  Our Board approved a special fundraising effort to support this cause, in coordination with other local Rotary Clubs.  The link to the fundraising site is as follows:
Club members and others can also contribute by check to the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor Foundation.  Responses so far to this initiative have been great.  The fundraising website includes a brief video by Sue Watson describing the refugee support efforts at Camp Atterbury and explains how to make donations.
Sue Watson will provide an update of this initiative at the October 20 meeting.
Visit to Block Museum to View New Exhibition 

Members of the Club met at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus to view the new exhibition "Who Says, Who Shows, What Counts:  Thinking About History with The Block's Collection."  The exhibition presents a thought provoking consideration of race and diversity in the visual arts.

For more information about location of the Block Museum, parking and the exhibition see


September 29, 2021 -- A "Community Conversation" with Julie Wolf
On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, was featured in the fourth "Community Conversation" in our series.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Regular meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  The event will be a panel discussion furthering the Club's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative:  "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community."
World Polio Day -- the Club's Activities to be led by Frank Hussey
World Polio Day is October 24.  Rotary and its partners have reduced polio cases by 99.9% since 1998.  See
Frank Hussey will be leading our Club's activities by fundraising activities on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 22, 23 and 24.  Please consider contacting Frank to participate.
Environmental Committee News:
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Beach Sweep
Our Club hosted the Springman Middle School students again this year on Saturday morning, September 25th.  Chris Simcox coordinated the event with a truly impressive turn out of volunteers.  Club members Ben Ivory, John Wertymer, Puran Stevens and Mike Bailey also participated. 
Environmental Book Suggestions
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is looking for suggestions for an environmental book for the club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.   
News Story for October 19, 2021 2021-10-19 05:00:00Z 0

Copy of News Story for October 12, 2021

October 13, 2021 Meeting -- Exodus World Service

The October 13, 2021 regular meeting of the Club will be held at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club at Gillson Park and will feature Carissa Zaffiro of Exodus World Service.  Carissa will discuss the efforts of her organization to support refugees in this time of pressing needs.  Her presentation is intended to be a follow up to our special Zoom meeting held on October 6.

Ben Ivory will preside over the meeting because Mike Bailey will be unable to attend.  The meeting will be conducted in a limited hybrid manner.  A Zoom link will be provided to view the speaker, but interaction with Zoom participants will be limited in this meeting.
The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors. 
October 6, 2021 -- Special Zoom Meeting on Refugee Support Efforts and Visit to Block Museum
On the evening of September 6, the Club held two evening events.
Supporting Refugees at Camp Atterbury -
Club members reviewed and discussed  a video of Sue Watson describing her experience volunteering to support refugees currently at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana.  Susan Fisher led a discussion of how the Club can best support these volunteer efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury.  Our Board has approved a special fundraising effort to support this cause, in coordination with other local Rotary Clubs.  The link to the fundraising site is as follows:
The fundraising website includes a brief video by Sue Watson describing the refugee support efforts at Camp Atterbury and explains how to make donations.
Visit to Block Museum to View New Exhibition 

Members of the Club met at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus to view the new exhibition "Who Says, Who Shows, What Counts:  Thinking About History with The Block's Collection."  The exhibition presents a thought provoking consideration of race and diversity in the visual arts.

For more information about location of the Block Museum, parking and the exhibition see


September 29, 2021 -- A "Community Conversation" with Julie Wolf
On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, was featured in the fourth "Community Conversation" in our series.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Regular meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  The event will be a panel discussion furthering the Club's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative:  "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community."
September 22, 2021 Meeting -- Karen Tollenaar Demorest, Youth Job Center
The regular meeting of the Club held on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 featured a lively and informative presentation by Karen Tollenaar Demorest, Executive Director of the Youth Job Center.  YJC’s mission is “Success for young people in the workplace and in life.” YJC is a leading youth workforce development agency in Cook County, founded in Evanston in 1983 and expanding services to Chicago in the last decade. YJC offers comprehensive workforce development services for youth and young adults ages 14-25, including job training and placement, personalized career advising, financial literacy training and coaching, work-based learning programs, career advancement supports for roughly 2,000 youth and young adults each year, the vast majority of whom are low-income Black and Brown youth. 
The Club particularly appreciated Karen's interesting discussion about the steps YJC is taking to implement its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.  Members of the Club look forward to opportunities to collaborate with YJC in that respect and others.
Environmental Committee News:
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Beach Sweep
Our Club hosted the Springman Middle School students again this year on Saturday morning, September 25th.  Chris Simcox coordinated the event with a truly impressive turn out of volunteers.  Club members Ben Ivory, John Wertymer, Puran Stevens and Mike Bailey also participated. 
Environmental Book Suggestions
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is looking for suggestions for an environmental book for the club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.  We will review suggestions at our next committee meeting in October. 
Operation Warm Benefit Concert -- October 15
A benefit concert for Operation Warm Benefit will be held on October 15 at Valley Lo Club in Glenview and features Gerald McClendon, “The Soulkeeper”, with great ‘60s and ‘70s Soul and R&B music. Your ticket includes a buffet dinner and provides new winter coats to 3 children. The event also have a silent and live auction. 
Learn more and purchase tickets or donate to the cause at http://tinyurl.com/OWBenefit2021
A headcount is needed for food by October 8.  This event is being organized by the Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield.
Copy of News Story for October 12, 2021 2021-10-12 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for October 4, 2021

October 6, 2021 -- Special Zoom Meeting on Refugee Support Efforts and Visit to Block Museum
We have two events scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, October 6, 2021.  Members of the Club and their guests are invited to participate in either or both events.
Please remember that there will be no morning meeting on October 6.
Supporting Refugees at Camp Atterbury --  Zoom Meeting 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
A Zoom meeting will include a video of Sue Watson describing her experience volunteering to support refugees currently at Camp Atterbury in Southern Indiana (Sue Watson will not be able to participate in person in the Zoom call because of a conflict).  Susan Fisher will lead a discussion of how the Club can best support these volunteer efforts to support refugees at Camp Atterbury.  In light of the pressing needs to provide assistance, we believed that a special conference call among Club members would be helpful.  The Zoom link will be provided to anyone who would like to participate.
Visit to Block Museum to View New Exhibition -- 6:15 pm to 7:00 pm

Meet at the Block Museum on the Northwestern University campus to view the new exhibition "Who Says, Who Shows, What Counts:  Thinking About History with The Block's Collection."  Admission is free and the Block Museum remains open to the public until 8:00 pm on Wednesday nights.

For more information about location of the Block Museum, parking and the exhibition see


October 13, 2021 Meeting -- Exodus World Service

The October 13, 2021 regular meeting of the Club will be held at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club at Gillson Park and will feature Carissa Zaffiro of Exodus World Service.  Carissa will discuss the efforts of her organization to support refugees in this time of pressing needs.  Her presentation is intended to be a follow up to our special Zoom meeting scheduled for October 6.

September 29, 2021 -- A "Community Conversation" with Julie Wolf
On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, was featured in the fourth "Community Conversation" in our series.  Julie offered an enlightening description of the development of the Village of Wilmette's Sustainability Plan.
Please contact Mike Bailey at Mike@mbaileylaw.com if you would like to obtain a copy of Julie's PowerPoint presentation.
Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also usually be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Regular meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  The event will be a panel discussion furthering the Club's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative:  "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community."
September 22, 2021 Meeting -- Karen Tollenaar Demorest, Youth Job Center
The regular meeting of the Club held on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 featured a lively and informative presentation by Karen Tollenaar Demorest, Executive Director of the Youth Job Center.  YJC’s mission is “Success for young people in the workplace and in life.” YJC is a leading youth workforce development agency in Cook County, founded in Evanston in 1983 and expanding services to Chicago in the last decade. YJC offers comprehensive workforce development services for youth and young adults ages 14-25, including job training and placement, personalized career advising, financial literacy training and coaching, work-based learning programs, career advancement supports for roughly 2,000 youth and young adults each year, the vast majority of whom are low-income Black and Brown youth. 
The Club particularly appreciated Karen's interesting discussion about the steps YJC is taking to implement its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative.  Members of the Club look forward to opportunities to collaborate with YJC in that respect and others.
Other Recent Meetings
At the September 15, 2021 meeting of the Club members of the Rotary Club of Wilmette and the Rotary Club of Evanston Lighthouse joined us for lively and informative "Conversation Among Rotary Clubs."  We shared information about the activities and goals of our clubs, and discussed how our clubs can better collaborate moving forward.
At the September 8, 2021, meeting of the Club Beth DeWall, Secretary of the Club, made a presentation on Pasek Garden, which is located in Gillson Park.  Beth's presentation including an interesting discussion of the history of the garden, the various flowers and other plantings in the garden, and Club members who have contributed to its development and upkeep.  Beth concluded with a walking tour of Pasek Garden.
Anyone who would like to obtain a copy of Beth's informative PowerPoint presentation on Pasek Garden is encouraged to contact Mike Bailey.
At the September 8, 2021 meeting, Club members also conducted a special election for our Club's President-Elect.  The members of the Club present enthusiastically and unanimously voted to elect Brent Hendricks to be President-Elect of the Club, with his term as President starting on July 1, 2022.   Brent will bring great enthusiasm, energy and new ideas to the leadership of our Club.
Environmental Committee News:
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Beach Sweep
Our Club hosted the Springman Middle School students again this year on Saturday morning, September 25th.  Chris Simcox coordinated the event with a truly impressive turn out of volunteers.  Club members Ben Ivory, John Wertymer, Puran Stevens and Mike Bailey also participated. 
Environmental Book Suggestions
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is looking for suggestions for an environmental book for the club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.  We will review suggestions at our next committee meeting in October. 
Rotary Benefit Concert Held on Wednesday, September 29
The Rotary Benefit Concert fundraiser to support Our Place was held on Wednesday, September 29 in Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, Wilmette.   It was a lovely evening for "Coltrane under the Cottonwoods" and our Club appreciated the opportunity to participate in this event with other local Rotary Clubs.
Operation Warm Benefit Concert -- October 15
A benefit concert for Operation Warm Benefit will be held on October 15 at Valley Lo Club in Glenview and features Gerald McClendon, “The Soulkeeper”, with great ‘60s and ‘70s Soul and R&B music. Your ticket includes a buffet dinner and provides new winter coats to 3 children. The event also have a silent and live auction. 
Learn more and purchase tickets or donate to the cause at http://tinyurl.com/OWBenefit2021
A headcount is needed for food by October 8.  This event is being organized by the Rotary Club of Winnetka-Northfield.
News Story for October 4, 2021 2021-10-04 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for September  20, 2021

September 22, 2021 Meeting -- Karen Tollenaar Demorest, Youth Job Center
The next regular meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 from 7:30 am-8:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park. The meeting will feature a presentation by Karen Tollenaar Demorest, Executive Director of the Youth Job Center.  YJC’s mission is “Success for young people in the workplace and in life.” YJC is a leading youth workforce development agency in Cook County, founded in Evanston in 1983 and expanding services to Chicago in the last decade. YJC offers comprehensive workforce development services for youth and young adults ages 14-25, including job training and placement, personalized career advising, financial literacy training and coaching, work-based learning programs, career advancement supports for roughly 2,000 youth and young adults each year, the vast majority of whom are low-income Black and Brown youth. YJC is a certified Financial Opportunity Center through the Local Initiatives Support Corporation network and integrates financial guidance and literacy training into its programs and services. YJC programs are available to any youth who requests them, and the agency prioritizes serving youth from under-served and disadvantaged communities.
Karen Tollenaar Demorest has served as the Executive Director of the Youth Job Center (YJC) since August of 2014.  YJC was founded in Evanston in 1983 to help youth find work and today, offers a robust set of services to youth throughout Chicagoland, designed to help participants identify and pursue career options while simultaneously supporting development of the skills, competencies, and resiliency to be successful in the workplace.
As has been the case for our recent meetings, the meeting be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.
September 29, 2021 -- A "Community Conversation" with Julie Wolf
On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, will be featured in the fourth "Community Conversation" in our series.
Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   Our third Community Conversation was held on August 25, 2021, and featured John Jacoby with an interesting presentation about his new book Wilmette at 150.
The fifth Community Conversation in our series is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, November 3, 2021, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  The event will be a panel discussion furthering the Club's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative:  "A Conversation on Race:  A Welcoming Community."
Other Recent Meetings
At the September 15, 2021 meeting of the Club members of the Rotary Club of Wilmette and the Rotary Club of Evanston Lighthouse joined us for lively and informative "Conversation Among Rotary Clubs."  We shared information about the activities and goals of our clubs, and discussed how our clubs can better collaborate moving forward.
At the September 8, 2021, meeting of the Club Beth DeWall, Secretary of the Club, made a presentation on Pasek Garden, which is located in Gillson Park.  Beth's presentation including an interesting discussion of the history of the garden, the various flowers and other plantings in the garden, and Club members who have contributed to its development and upkeep.  Beth concluded with a walking tour of Pasek Garden.
Anyone who would like to obtain a copy of Beth's informative PowerPoint presentation on Pasek Garden is encouraged to contact Mike Bailey.
At the September 8, 2021 meeting, Club members also conducted a special election for our Club's President-Elect.  The members of the Club present enthusiastically and unanimously voted to elect Brent Hendricks to be President-Elect of the Club, with his term as President starting on July 1, 2022.   Brent will bring great enthusiasm, energy and new ideas to the leadership of our Club.
On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, Saima Abbasi led an outdoor Tree Walk in Gillson Park.  Saima is a trained TreeKeeper with Openlands, has led tree walks in Wilmette since 2013, and has provided educational presentations about trees to many organizations.  She is a Board Member of Go Green Wilmette and a founding member of Go Green Lahore.
We were fortunate to have beautiful weather and also to have been joined by an enthusiastic contingent of our friends from the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club.
The Tree Walk and Beth DeWall's presentation on the Pasek Garden both furthered the mission of the Club's new Environmental Committee and is intended to be a part of our Club's implementation of the new environmental focus of Rotary International.
Environmental Committee News:
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Beach Sweep
Our club will host the Springman Middle School students again this year on Saturday morning, September 25th.  Chris Simcox is coordinating.  Club members are welcome to participate. 
This year we will provide paper grocery bags for collection.  Club members are asked to bring a couple of paper grocery bags to the Wednesday, September 15th meeting. Ben Ivory will collect and hold for the event. 
Environmental Book Suggestions
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, the Environmental Committee is looking for suggestions for an environmental book for the club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.  We will review suggestions at our next committee meeting in October. 
Rotary September 22 Fundraiser
On SEPTEMBER 22, the Rotary Club of Wilmette (our sister Rotary Club in Wilmette) will hold a benefit concert to support Our Place.  It will be held at the Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, Wilmette from 5PM to 8PM.  Three bands have generously donated a performance for our event: The Suzanne Cross Combo, a jazz combo from the Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, and just added, a jazz combo from New Trier High School. This is an event you don't want to miss.  We are so very fortunate that such talented groups cared enough about our event to donate their time and talent.
There will be a raffle with travel packages to include a week's stay in a private house in Scottsdale, AZ and a second raffle for a 4-night stay in a luxury condo in San Francisco. Each raffle package includes $500 cash.  
Tickets are $25 per person.  Raffle tickets are $50 or 3 for $100.  Both event tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased online at a new link:
News Story for September 20, 2021 2021-09-20 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for September 7, 2021

September 8, 2021 Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Club will be held on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 from 7:30 am-8:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park.
The first half of our meeting will be devoted to Club business.  Most importantly, we will be conducting a special election for our President-Elect.  The Nominating Committee of the Club is pleased to report that it has enthusiastically voted to nominate Brent Hendricks to be President-Elect of the Club, with his term as President starting on July 1, 2022.   Brent will bring great enthusiasm, energy and new ideas to the leadership of our Club.  Club members are particularly encouraged to attend this important meeting.
The election will be followed by remarks from Brent.  Reports of the Committees of the Club will also follow.
From about 7:50 am - 8:30 am Beth DeWall, Secretary of the Club, will make a presentation on Pasek Garden, which is also located in Gillson Park.  Beth's presentation will conclude by a walking tour of Pasek Garden.
In light of the ongoing pandemic (and while the weather remains good), the Club is endeavoring to offer outdoor educational events.
As has been the case for our recent meetings, the meeting be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
September 1 Meeting -- Tree Walk Led by Saima Abbasi
On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saima Abbasi led an outdoor Tree Walk in Gillson Park.  Saima is a trained TreeKeeper with Openlands, has led tree walks in Wilmette since 2013, and has provided educational presentations about trees to many organizations.  She is a Board Member of Go Green Wilmette and a founding member of Go Green Lahore.
We were fortunate to have beautiful weather and also to have ben joined by an enthusiastic contingent of our friends from the Evanston Lighthouse Rotary Club
The Tree Walk furthered the mission of the Club's new Environmental Committee and is intended to be a part of our Club's implementation of the new environmental focus of Rotary International.
August 25 Meeting -- John Jacoby Wilmette at 150
At the August 25 meeting of the Club, John Jacoby presented an engaging overview of his book, Wilmette at 150, including stories that give Wilmette an interesting, colorful, and unique history.  In addition, pulling together information appearing throughout the book, John described some of the Great Depression's impacts on Wilmette.  
John Jacoby's presentation was the third presentation in the Club's "Community Conversation" series.   Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club usually will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, will be featured in the fourth Community Conversation in our series.

Environmental Committee News:
Elmwood Dunes Volunteer Opportunity
The Wilmette lunch club After Dark (RAD) group has a project to help preserve the native plants at Elmwood Dunes Preserve by pulling out the choke weeks that threaten the natural plants in the upper garden.
They will be scheduling Saturday 10:30 am volunteer days and will welcome our club's support.  Ben Ivory will share details of their next volunteer day.
Beach Sweep
Our club will host the Springman Middle School students again this year on Saturday morning, September 25th.  Chris Simcox is coordinating.  Club members are welcome to participate. 
This year we will provide paper grocery bags for collection.  Can we ask club members to bring a couple of paper grocery bags to the Wednesday September 7th meeting? Ben Ivory will collect and hold for the event. 
Environmental Book Suggestions
Based on the success of the DEI book discussion, we are looking for suggestions for an environmental book for the club to read.  If you have a suggestion, please send to Ben Ivory or Maureen Barry.  We will review suggestions at our next committee meeting in October. 
Rotary September 22 Fundraiser
On SEPTEMBER 22, the Rotary Club of Wilmette (our sister Rotary Club in Wilmette) will hold a benefit concert to support Our Place.  It will be held at the Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, Wilmette from 5PM to 8PM.  Three bands have generously donated a performance for our event: The Suzanne Cross Combo, a jazz combo from the Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, and just added, a jazz combo from New Trier High School. These is an event you don't want to miss.  We are so very fortunate that such talented groups cared enough about our event to donate their time and talent.
There will be a raffle with travel packages to include a week's stay in a private house in Scottsdale, AZ and a second raffle for a 4-night stay in a luxury condo in San Francisco. Each raffle package includes $500 cash.  
Tickets are $25 per person.  Raffle tickets are $50 or 3 for $100.  Both event tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased online at a new link:
New - Joe Goldstein is developing a program booklet that will give background info on the bands, a schedule of the performances, an introduction to Our Place, among other features.  AND, you and/or businesses that you know can place an ad in the program booklet which will be distributed to all event attendees.  Click the link below or send it to businesses that may want to place an ad in the booklet.  Or send an email to Joe at srossltd@gmail.com
News Story for September 7, 2021 2021-09-07 05:00:00Z 0

News Story for August 30, 2021

September 1, 2021 Event -- Gillson Park Tree Walk
On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saima Abbasi will lead an outdoor Tree Walk in Gillson Park.  Saima is a trained TreeKeeper with Openlands, has led tree walks in Wilmette since 2013, and has provided educational presentations about trees to many organizations.  She is a Board Member of Go Green Wilmette and a founding member of Go Green Lahore.
We will gather outside of the Harbor Club at 5:00 pm to start the Tree Walk.
The Tree Walk furthers the mission of the Club's new Environmental Committee and is intended to be a part of our Club's implementation of the new environmental focus of Rotary International.
Guests are certainly welcome!
August 25 Meeting -- John Jacoby Wilmette at 150
At the August 25 meeting of the Club, John Jacoby presented an engaging overview of his book, Wilmette at 150, including stories that give Wilmette an interesting, colorful, and unique history.  In addition, pulling together information appearing throughout the book, John described some of the Great Depression's impacts on Wilmette.  
John Jacoby's presentation was the third presentation in the Club's "Community Conversation" series.   Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, will be featured in the fourth Community Conversation in our series.
Other Upcoming Meetings and Events
On Wednesday, September 8, 2021, from 7:45 am - 8:30 am Beth DeWall, Secretary of the Club, will make a presentation on Pasek Garden, which is also located in Gillson Park.  
In light of the ongoing pandemic (and while the weather remains good), the Club is endeavoring to offer outdoor educational events.
President-Elect Nominee
The Nominating Committee of the Club is pleased to report that it has enthusiastically voted to nominate Brent Hendricks to be President-Elect of the Club, with his term as President starting on July 1, 2022.  Formal approving votes will be held in early September.  Brent will bring great enthusiasm, energy and new ideas to the leadership of our Club.
Rotary September 22 Fundraiser
On SEPTEMBER 22, the Rotary Club of Wilmette (our sister Rotary Club in Wilmette) will hold a benefit concert to support Our Place.  It will be held at the Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, Wilmette from 5PM to 8PM.  Three bands have generously donated a performance for our event: The Suzanne Cross Combo, a jazz combo from the Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, and just added, a jazz combo from New Trier High School. These is an event you don't want to miss.  We are so very fortunate that such talented groups cared enough about our event to donate their time and talent.
There will be a raffle with travel packages to include a week's stay in a private house in Scottsdale, AZ and a second raffle for a 4-night stay in a luxury condo in San Francisco. Each raffle package includes $500 cash.  
Tickets are $25 per person.  Raffle tickets are $50 or 3 for $100.  Both event tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased online at a new link:
New - Joe Goldstein is developing a program booklet that will give background info on the bands, a schedule of the performances, an introduction to Our Place, among other features.  AND, you and/or businesses that you know can place an ad in the program booklet which will be distributed to all event attendees.  Click the link below or send it to businesses that may want to place an ad in the booklet.  Or send an email to Joe at srossltd@gmail.com
News Story for August 30, 2021 2021-08-30 05:00:00Z 0

News Story August 22, 2021

August 25 Meeting -- John Jacoby Wilmette at 150
At the next meeting of the Club, John Jacoby will present a board overview of his book, Wilmette at 150, including stories that give Wilmette an interesting, colorful, and unique history.  In addition, pulling together information appearing throughout the book, John will describe some of the Great Depression's impacts on Wilmette.  
John Jacoby's presentation will be the third presentation in the Club's "Community Conversation" series.   Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to discuss important developments the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom. The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  Those attending in person are reminded of recent Cook County directives relating to the wearing of masks indoors.  
More About the Community Conversation Series
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   Our second Community Conversation, held on July 28, 2021, featured Anthony Austin, Director of the Wilmette Public Library.   On September 29, 2021 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, will be featured in the fourth Community Conversation in our series.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Saima Abbasi will lead an outdoor Tree Walk in Gillson Park.  Saima is a trained TreeKeeper with Openlands, has led tree walks in Wilmette since 2013, and has provided educational presentations about trees to many organizations.  She is a Board Member of Go Green Wilmette and a founding member of Go Green Lahore.
On Wednesday, September 8, 2021, from 7:45 am - 8:30 am Beth DeWall, Secretary of the Club, will make a presentation on Pasek Garden, which is also located in Gillson Park.  
In light of the ongoing pandemic (and while the weather remains good), the Club is offering these educational outdoor events.
Recent Meetings
At the Wednesday, August 11, 2021 meeting Julie Yusim, Executive Director of the Wilmette/Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce, provided an engaging update and overview of businesses within our community, including a discussion of how local businesses have fared during the pandemic.  Julie discussed how much the support to provided by the Village of Wilmette has helped out local businesses.  Julie also offered a number of great ideas for how our Club can continue to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce.
President-Elect Nominee
The Nominating Committee of the Club is pleased to report that it has enthusiastically voted to nominate Brent Hendricks to be President-Elect of the Club, with his term as President starting on July 1, 2022.  Formal approving votes will be held in early September.  Brent will bring great enthusiasm, energy and new ideas to the leadership of our Club.
Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor September 22 Fundraiser
On SEPTEMBER 22, the Rotary Club of Wilmette (our sister Rotary Club in Wilmette) will hold a benefit concert to support Our Place.  It will be held at the Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, Wilmette from 5PM to 8PM.  Three bands have generously donated a performance for our event: The Suzanne Cross Combo, a jazz combo from the Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, and just added, a jazz combo from New Trier High School. These is an event you don't want to miss.  We are so very fortunate that such talented groups cared enough about our event to donate their time and talent.
There will be a raffle with travel packages to include a week's stay in a private house in Scottsdale, AZ and a second raffle for a 4-night stay in a luxury condo in San Francisco. Each raffle package includes $500 cash.  
Tickets are $25 per person.  Raffle tickets are $50 or 3 for $100.  Both event tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased online at a new link:
New - Joe Goldstein is developing a program booklet that will give background info on the bands, a schedule of the performances, an introduction to Our Place, among other features.  AND, you and/or businesses that you know can place an ad in the program booklet which will be distributed to all event attendees.  Click the link below or send it to businesses that may want to place an ad in the booklet.  Or send an email to Joe at srossltd@gmail.com
News Story August 22, 2021 2021-08-22 05:00:00Z 0

News Story August 16 2021

August 18 Meeting
The next meeting of the Club will be a "Club Forum" which will include discussion of how to best further recent initiatives of the Club and its committees.
Meetings will continue to be held in hybrid form, so that members and guests can participate either in person and by Zoom.  The link to the hybrid meeting will be emailed to members, guests and others within the community who express an interest in attending.  In light of recent CDC guidance, masks are recommended for those attending in-person.  
Last Meeting
At the Wednesday, August 11, 2021 meeting Julie Yusim, Executive Director of the Wilmette/Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce, provided an engaging update and overview of businesses within our community, including a discussion of how local businesses have fared during the pandemic.  Julie discussed how much the support to provided by the Village of Wilmette has helped out local businesses.  Julie also offered a number of great ideas for how our Club can continue to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce.
At the July 28, 2021 meeting Anthony Auston, Director of the Wilmette Public Library, spoke to the Club.  Anthony provided an outstanding update of new developments at the Library, including how the Library has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and new initiatives to reach out to the Community.  Anthony also included very interesting observations about how the question "Is it the truth?" is a guiding principle for both the Library and the Rotary.
Community Conversation Series
Anthony Austin's presentation was the second in the Club's "Community Conversation" series.   Each Community Conversation provides an opportunity for one or more community leaders to provide an update of important current developments within the community.  The Community Conversations also present an opportunity for those in attendance to ask questions and offer comments.  Interested members of the community are invited to join us.
The Club will be holding Community Conversations on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 am at the Harbor Club in Gillson Park, and also be available by Zoom in hybrid meeting form.
Our first Community Conversation was held on June 30, and featured Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.   On August 25 John Jacoby is scheduled to speak about his new book Wilmette at 150.  On September 29 Julie Wolf, Chair of the Wilmette Environmental Commission, is scheduled to speak.
Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor September 22 Fundraiser
On SEPTEMBER 22, the Rotary Club of Wilmette (our sister Rotary Club in Wilmette) will hold a benefit concert to support Our Place.  It will be held at the Wallace Bowl in Gillson Park, Wilmette from 5PM to 8PM.  Three bands have generously donated a performance for our event: The Suzanne Cross Combo, a jazz combo from the Midwest Young Artists Conservatory, and just added, a jazz combo from New Trier High School. These is an event you don't want to miss.  We are so very fortunate that such talented groups cared enough about our event to donate their time and talent.
There will be a raffle with travel packages to include a week's stay in a private house in Scottsdale, AZ and a second raffle for a 4-night stay in a luxury condo in San Francisco. Each raffle package includes $500 cash.  
Tickets are $25 per person.  Raffle tickets are $50 or 3 for $100.  Both event tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased online at a new link:
New - Joe Goldstein is developing a program booklet that will give background info on the bands, a schedule of the performances, an introduction to Our Place, among other features.  AND, you and/or businesses that you know can place an ad in the program booklet which will be distributed to all event attendees.  Click the link below or send it to businesses that may want to place an ad in the booklet.  Or send an email to Joe at srossltd@gmail.com
News Story August 16 2021 2021-08-16 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update for July 4, 2021

Last week's meeting

On Wednesday, June 30 Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District, provided an update of recent developments at the Club.  Among other things, he discussed the project for improvements at Gillson Park which will be considered by the Park District in upcoming months.  Also in attendance were members of the Park District Board, the Village Board and the Village President.  
This event was our second hybrid meeting, conducted both in person and by Zoom.  Suggestions about how to improve our hybrid meetings are welcomed, as we learn more about how to effectively conduct our meetings in this format.   

This week's meeting

On Tuesday, July 6 at 5:00 pm Karen Glennemeier will provide a Prairie Garden Tour and Talk at 719 Laurel, Wilmette (the prairie garden is the front yard of 710 Laurel).  The tour will include a description of different wildflower species.  Karen will also talk about why native prairie gardens are important, how she designed her native garden, and what maintaining a native garden entails.
Karen is Present and Senior Ecologist, Habitat Research LLC.  
Following Karen's tour and talk, Mike Bailey will be holding an informal reception at 710 Laurel until about 6:30 pm.  Guests are welcome!
Other News:
  • Happy 4th of July.   
Weekly Update for July 4, 2021 2021-07-04 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  June 27, 2021

Last week's meeting

We had a productive club forum Wednesday in a hybrid format.  Big thanks to Mike Bailey, Jim Waite, and Jim Pockross for their work in preparing the technology to present in both in-person and via ZOOM.  

This week's meeting

On Wednesday, June 30 we will welcome Steve Wilson, Executive Director of the Wilmette Park District.  Jim Waite and Corinne McClinitic have developed emails to send to friends.  Please help promote the event.  Just to confirm, the event will be at the Wilmette Harbor Club and via ZOOM.  The ZOOM meeting will open at 7:15 am.
Other News:
  • Jim Pockross attended the installation picnic on Saturday for of our new District 6440 Governor Kevin Stevens.
  • Beth DeWall and Ben Ivory "installed" some new plantings at the Pasek Garden on Friday.  The recent rain was perfectly tied. Thanks Beth for coordinating.   Karen Glennemeier was kind to provide guidance.  We can thank Karen next month on the July 6th social evening.  
  • On a similar note, our Rotary supported plantings at the Village Hall are looking great as is the the Pollinator Coordinator. 
  • Happy 4th of July.   
Weekly Update June 27, 2021 2021-06-27 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  June 20, 2021

Last week's meeting

We enjoyed our annual installation dinner.  Thank you Jackie Boland for organizing. Highlights:

  • We hosted over 30 members and guests including Evelyn Lee and Fire Chief Brian Lambel for a in-person meeting at the Wilmette Harbor Club. Member John Kay offered a beautiful thought and pledge to open the meeting/dinner.
  • Congratulations to our Rotarian of the Year - Susan Fisher. 
  • We thanked outgoing Board members including our hard-working Treasurer Jack Close.
  • We swore in our incoming Board and President Mike Bailey.
  • Thank you and congrats to the 50/50 raffle winner Chris Simcox who donated his winnings to the club!

This week's meeting

Our Wednesday, June 23rd meeting will be our monthly club forum.  The meeting will be in-person meeting at the club.  
Other News:
  • Please consider this as official notice of the Board's unanimous vote to approve a new corporate membership for the Village of Wilmette. 

  • Happy Father's Day! 

Weekly Update June 20, 2021 2021-06-20 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  June 13, 2021

Last week's meeting

On Wednesday, June 9 we welcomed Kristin Bernhard, J.D., Sr. Vice President, Advocacy & Policy - who provided an educational overview of the Start Early Program.

This week's meeting

Join us Wednesday Night June 16th for our annual installation dinner.  Thank you Jackie Boland for organizing.  If you haven't already please RSVP to Ben Ivory.  Jim Pockross will be selling tickets for a Fifty-Fifty Raffle.   
Other News:
  • Congratulations to the club for being recognized as meeting the Governor's Challenge with Distinction.   Thanks Jim Pockross for keeping on task throughout the year and for all the club member's efforts and contributions throughout the year!
  • Mark your calendars for first Wednesday evening social meeting on July 7th hosted by incoming president Mike Bailey.
Weekly Update June 13, 2021 2021-06-13 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  February 14, 2021

Last week's meeting

Our Speakers; Hal Sprague and Emily Hammermeister - Trajectory Energy Partners
Topic: Solar Energy Programs
Hal and Emily provided a educational overview of the the solar energy programs available in Illinois.  Their contact information is available for those interested.
This week's meeting
We will have our monthly club forum with updates from our international, community service and DEI committees.  
Other News:
  • Club members distributed the special club financial support recently raised by the club.  A number of the awards supported district match opportunities.  Special thanks to the fundraising committee including Jim Pockross, Jim Waite and Jim Bowman who led the effort and Corinne McClintic and George Pearce for distributing the funds.   
  • Due to recent unwelcome ZOOM bombers on club meetings, we are now using the ZOOM waiting room feature.  For each meeting you will now be asked to wait for the host to accept you into the meeting.  Please be patient and be sure to ask if you have any questions.
  • Beth DeWall and Jack Close remind us that we can pay our Rotary dues via links on our webpage.  Super easy! 
    • Go to Club website https://portal.clubrunner.ca/2415
    • Member login
    • Find Membership Dues -  right side of the Home page under Club Links
    • This link goes to the page with the dues options listed.
    • Please note that there is a small service fee that PayPal charges and that is included on the PayPal payment page.
    • Important news from the district:
  • COVID VACCINATION TASK FORCE  We’re working to promote and assist vaccination in our five counties. If you have information or ideas you’d like to share, send it to vaccination@rotary6440.org
    COVID VACCINATION INFORMATION SPEAKERS SERIES  D6440 will host a number of terrific speakers who will educate us on the vaccines and vaccination.  All are welcome; we encourage Clubs to invite their community partners.   The events will be both on Zoom and streamed on Facebook Live.
    • Dr. Jim Keller, Chief Medical Officer at Lutheran General, at noon on February 22nd.
    • We will hear from both Rafael Malpica, Community Outreach Coordinator with Advocate Aurora, and a Spanish-speaking physician, at a later date.
  • Here are a few opportunities you can share right now with your membership.  More are on their way.
  • Advocate Health Care needs volunteers at Vaccine Clinics across Illinois.  If you’re willing to be a greeter or to help with registration, sanitation, and supplies, click here for more information and apply here.  All volunteers serving onsite for these clinics will be offered the COVID vaccine. 
  • Those in Kane County can volunteer through the Medical Reserve Corps.  See here for more details, and click here to download the attachments mentioned in the email.
  • Those in Lake County can volunteer to assist at the mass vaccination site at the Lake County Fairgrounds in Grayslake.  Click here for more information.  
Weekly Update February 14, 2021 2021-02-14 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  January 31, 2021

Last week's meeting

We responded to a last minute cancellation of our speaker by sharing Rotary Club President Holger Knaack's presentation to the Elgin Club.  We learned how Holger's priorities align with our club's and our districts goals for this Rotary year.   
This week's meeting
First Wednesday Social Evening;   Book Club Discussion - The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson
Join us on ZOOM at 6;30 pm for a discussion regarding the book.
Other News:
  • Good news!  Beth DeWallBrent Hendricks and Jack Close worked together to provide an an online capability to pay Rotary dues.  Beth shares
    • Go to Club website https://portal.clubrunner.ca/2415
    • Member login
    • Find Membership Dues -  right side of the Home page under Club Links
    • This link goes to the page with the dues options listed.
    • Please note that there is a small service fee that PayPal charges and that is included on the PayPal payment page
      Big thanks to Beth, Brent and Jack for their efforts to create this helpful new feature.
  • Our January Book Drive in support of Open Books-Chicago took place this Saturday morning, January 30th at Hong Kong Auto Service.  We collected over 1,200 books.   John Glasgow won the "Most books donated" and "best packed"  awards.  Thank you to club member volunteers, George Pearce, Ben Ivory, Jim Waite, Frank Hussey, Jim Bowman, John Wertymer, Mike Bailey, Jacky Boland, Beth DeWall.  Also big thanks to Ben Chung and his wife Sanny, son's Mason and Dixon and Ben K. Ivory for helping.   
Weekly Update January 31, 2021 2021-01-31 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  January 24, 2021

Last week's meeting

At our monthly Club Forum we received updates from the Community Service and DEI committees as well as an overview of our Club Foundation.  The Community Service Committee presented recommendations for immediate grants to organizations focused on food insecurity, clothing, mental health, populations in need and community partners. Our DEI committee provided an update on the development of our club's DEI/Anti Racism statement.  Maureen Barry provided an overview of our Foundation structure and board.
This week's meeting
Speaker: Bryce Weiler: The Beautiful Lives Project

Bryce Weiler is a blind individual who has been working on programs for people who are disabled with the Baltimore Orioles. With the Orioles, he has helped the team create programs to help people who are disabled be able to play on the field with players and coaches before games. Also, he has helped the Orioles become the first team in sports to wear Braille on their jerseys to honor people who are blind. He is helping run a nonprofit called The Beautiful Lives Project, which works to help people who are disabled be able to experience programs in sports, art, cheer and dance, as well as ballet. Our web site. www.beautifullives.org 

Thought and Pledge:  John Kessler 
Other News:
  • The Foundation Board met on Friday afternoon and approved the Community Service Committee's recommendations.
  • On Friday, Ben Ivory and Beth DeWall provided a basic training session to help interested club members use our Club Runner website for communication such as generating emails.  If members are interested in learning more please contact Ben or Beth.  Big thanks to Beth and Brent Hendricks for their efforts improving our website and FaceBook pages.
  • The DEI Book Club selection for January is "The Warmth of Other Suns" By Isabel Wilkerson.  We plan to discuss the book on our February 3rd social evening meeting. 
  • Our January Book Drive in support of Open Books-Chicago takes place this Saturday morning,  January 30th between 9 and 11 am at Hong Kong Auto Service.  Thank you to Ben Chung for allowing us to use his facility.  We are looking for two more strong volunteers to help unload books on Saturday morning. Please contact Ben Ivory if you need help with donations or would like to volunteer on January 30th.  For more information regarding the Book Drive, click HERE.
Weekly Update January 24, 2021 2021-01-24 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  January 17, 2021

Last week's meeting

We welcomed Deb Kobak who shared  Providing Peace of Mind, Celebrating Life.  The helpful presentation covered the process of what happens when a death occurs and the benefit of pre-planning.  
This week's meeting
Join us Wednesday morning for our monthly Club Forum.  We will hear updates from the Community Service, DEI and International Committees.   
Thought and Pledge:  John Glasgow 
Other News:
  • The club's DEI Committee met this past week and is working on a club diversity statement. Susan Fisher and George and George Pearce will provide an update the Wednesday morning.  Next meeting is scheduled for February 11th at 5pm.  
  • YMCA of Evanston has a program on Racism on January 19th.  See link for more information. https://www.ywca-ens.org/blog/event/racial-healing-and-reparations-two-steps-toward-transformation/
  • The DEI Book Club selection for January is "The Warmth of Other Suns" By Isabel Wilkerson.  We plan to discuss the book on our February 3rd social evening meeting. 
  • The Community Service Committee met last Thursday.  Corinne McClintic has distributed a plan to provide immediate support to a number of worthy organizations.  Corinne will share details at the Club Forum.
  • Our January Book Drive in support of Open Books-Chicago is confirmed.  Donations can be dropped off January 30th between 9 and 11 am at Hong Kong Auto Service.  Thank you to Ben Chung for allowing us to use his facility.  Please contact Ben Ivory if you need help with donations or would like to volunteer on January 30th.  For more information regarding the Book Drive, click HERE.
Weekly Update January 17, 2021 2021-01-17 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  January 10, 2021

Last week's meeting

We welcomed and enjoyed a presentation by our District Governor Lyle Staab.  Lyle complimented our club for its vibrancy and challenged our club to consider new ideas especially as we recruit new members.
This week's meeting
Join us Wednesday morning for a presentation by Deb Kobak titled Providing Peace of Mind, Celebrating Life.  The presentation covers the process of what happens when a death occurs and the benefit of pre-planning.  Deb is a former colleague of Beth DeWall and has spoken on this topic to various groups including Chicago area Rotary Clubs.   
Thought and Prayer:  John Glasgow 
Other News:
  • In case you missed it, Jim Pockross announced our DEI Book Club selection for January.   It is "The Warmth of Other Suns" By Isabel Wilkerson.  The book is available at the Wilmette Library and on Amazon in paperback for $10.75.  We plan to discuss the book on our February 3rd social evening meeting. 
  • Our January Book Drive in support of Open Books-Chicago is confirmed.  Donations can be dropped off January 30th between 9 and 11 am at Hong Kong Auto Service.  Thank you to Ben Chung for allowing us to use his facility.  Please contact Ben Ivory if you need help with donations or would like to volunteer on January 30th.  For more information regarding the Book Drive, click HERE.
  • Based on the success of the Fall/Winter Fundraiser, the Club Board has authorized the immediate distribution of funds for urgent local and international needs. The Community Service and International Committees are meeting to recommend the best options.  All members are welcome to participate.    
  • Your newsletter writer Ben Ivory just got approval for a family visit with his mother Mary Jane Ivory in South Carolina to celebrate her 100th Birthday, January 13th.  
Weekly Update January 10, 2021 2021-01-10 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  January 3, 2021

Happy New Year! 

This week!

Join us Wednesday January 6th at 7:30 am for our special weekly meeting with our District 6440 Governor, Lyle Staub.  Lyle has led our district with energy and creativity this year.  Let's honor Lyle with our attendance and good questions.
Reminder: Our January board meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 5th at 5:00 pm with District Governor Lyle Staub as our guest. 
Other News:
  • Tom Ryan  (our Soup Kitchen leader) reports that the Club provided 75 lunches at the Evanston 2nd Baptist Church on Monday, December 28th.  Thanks Tom for keeping the program alive.
  • Jim Pockross has announced our DEI Book Club selection for January.   It is "The Warmth of Other Suns" By Isabel Wilkerson.  The book is available on Amazon in paperback for $10.75.  We plan to discuss the book on our February 3rd social evening meeting. 
  • We are still planning our January Book Drive in support of Open Books-Chicago.  We are looking for a site for a late January Saturday morning drop off.  If you have ideas, contact Ben Ivory.
Weekly Update January 3, 2021 2021-01-03 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  December 27, 2020

Thanks again all for your support of the club in 2021.  Happy New Year! 

Mark your 2021 calendar for our special January 6th weekly meeting with our District 6440 Governor, Lyle Staub.  Lyle has led our district with energy and creativity this year.  Let's honor Lyle with our attendance and good questions.
Note to the Board:  Our January board meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 5th at 5:00 pm with District Governor Lyle Staub as our guest. 
Other News:
  • The Club Nominating Committee is finalizing a slate for the 2021-2022 club year. If you are interested in servicing on the Board or as an officer for the 2021 - 2022 year, please contact Jim Pockross, Ben Ivory or Mike Bailey. 
  • We are still planning our January Book Drive in support of Open Books-Chicago.  We are looking for a site for a late January Saturday morning drop off.  If you have ideas, contact Ben Ivory.
Weekly Update December 27, 2020 2020-12-27 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  December 20, 2020

Last Week's Meeting

Glenview Rotary Sunrise and Noon Club members Bill Attea, Chuck Balling and Jill Brickman shared details of the Glenview Values Project.  Thank you Heidi Voorhees for organizing.

Next Week's Meeting:
No meeting the next two Wednesdays.  Have a wonderful two weeks and Happy New Year! 
Consider joining us on December 21rst to see if we can see the "Winter Star".  We will meet just after 4 pm at Highcrest School parking lot on the Northwest corner of the school.
Other News:
  • The Club Nominating Committee met last week. If you are interested in servicing on the Board or as an officer for the 2021 - 2022 year, please contact Jim Pockross, Ben Ivory or Mike Bailey.  
  • We are planning our January Book Drive in support of Open Books-Chicago.  We are looking for a site for a late January Saturday morning drop off.  If you have ideas, contact Ben Ivory.
Weekly Update December 20, 2020 2020-12-20 06:00:00Z 0

DEI Book Club  - Member Vote !

Jim Pockross has identified 5 potential books for members to read and discuss in early February.   Please send your top two votes to Jim Pockross by December 28th.  mpockross@comcast.net.  
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
The author takes the reader through a widening circle of antiracist ideas that will help the reader see all forms of racism clearly, understand their consequences, and work to oppose them in our systems and ourselves.
White Fragility-Why it's so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism by Robin Diangelo
This book explores the counter productive reactions white people have when their assumptions about race are challenged, and how these reactions maintain racial inequality.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness by Michelle  Alexander
The book discusses race related issues specific to Black American males and mass incarceration in the United States.
The Warmth of Other Suns: the Epic Story of America's Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson
The author chronicles one of the great untold stories of American history: the decades-long migration of Black citizens from the South to northern and western cities in search for a better life.
Growing up White by James Stobaugh
The book tells the story of a white growing up in the South in the 1960's and early 1970's and the harsh realities of racism that existed at the time.
DEI Book Club - Member Vote ! 2020-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Club Presidents' Year End Letter of Gratitude

Subject: Holiday thought (with no pledge)
Dear Members of the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor:
2021 is just around the corner.  2020 has been a year of serious challenges to us as individuals as well as to our club. We have met virtually for nine months and counting; key fundraising events were postponed indefinitely and worst of all, we have had very limited opportunity to meet together face-to-face. Despite these challenges our club has endured and in many ways has thrived!
As co-presidents of the club, we want to share how grateful we are for the energy, commitment and engagement of the club members. We continue to do good work with the community service projects.  How great to provide 290 Chicago girls and boys a new winter coat!  We launched two major initiatives with our diversity, equity and inclusion project as well as the community needs assessment in partnership with the noon club. Virtual club meeting attendance has been very high and our fall/winter fundraiser was very successful and far exceeded expectations in this difficult year.
So many of you have given so much!.
We want to thank you all for your energy, commitment and wanting to help the world.
Have a good, safe and joyous holiday season as we enter 2021. All the best to you.
Jim Pockross and Ben Ivory
Club Presidents' Year End Letter of Gratitude 2020-12-19 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  December 13, 2020

Last Week's Meeting
Susan Schultz, Museum of Broadcast Communications provided the club an interesting presentation titled "The Role Broadcast Media Played in the 2020 Election".  

We conducted our holiday raffle!  Congratulations to the winners:

3rd prize: Jack Close
2nd prize: Frank Hussey
1rst prize:  Sheri Schmidt 


Next Week's Meeting: Wednesday, December 16th

Glenview Rotary Sunrise and Noon Club members Bill Attea, Chuck Balling and Jill Brickman will share details of the Glenview Values Project.  Thank you Heidi Voorhees for organizing.

Other News:
  • The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee met on December 10th at 5:00 pm. 12 members participated and discussed various next steps for the club including a statement regarding our vision on our web site, future speakers and a book club.  Susan Fisher and George Pearce will provide more updates in the weeks ahead.  
  • We had a spirited group participate on December 6 for our Holiday Zoom Party.  Thanks all for sharing good memories, photos and favorite movies.  Thank you Evelyn Lee for joining us! We look forward to a festive and in-person event next year!
  • A nominating committee for the 2021-2022 Board has been formed.  It includes, Jim Waite, Jim Pockross, Ben Ivory, Mike Bailey, Frank Hussey and Maureen Barry.  Please contact a member of the committee by January 1 if you are interested in serving on the board. 
  • Jim Bowman, Jim Waite  and helpers worked hard over the weekend to distribute purchases from Carol Well's garage. Thank you again Carol Wells for providing your garage!   The fundraiser is doing very this year and there is still time to contribute!
  • Watch for more information regarding a second annual book drive in January supporting Open Books - Chicago.
  • Join us on December 21, 2020 for a Winter Solstice outdoor, socially distanced event at Gillson Park.  Weather permitting we will observe the "Christmas Star" when Jupiter and Saturn appear closer together than they have since 1226 A.D.  Based on media reports, we should meet just after sundown (approx 4:30 pm).  
Weekly Update December 13, 2020 2020-12-13 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  December 6, 2020

Last Week's Meeting
No meeting last week.  Look forward to our December 6 Holiday ZOOM party at 5 PM.

On Wednesday, December 9th
Join us for a presentation by Susan Schultz, Museum of Broadcast Communications . "The Role Broadcast Media Played in the 2020 Election".
Other News:
  • Heidi Voorhees and Beth DeWall organized support for the Wilmette Lunch Club effort to assist with purchasing sleeping bags for the homeless in Chicago.  Our club donated 50 sleeping bags!....Thanks to all for the support.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will meet on December 10th at 5:00 pm. ZOOM details on the website.   
  • Our Holiday Fundraiser is close to completion.  Jim Bowman  is organizing his helpers to distribute purchases from Carol Well's garage (822 Chestnut) next Saturday morning December 12 from 9 to 10 am.  Thank you Carol Wells for providing you garage again this year!  
  • The Fundraiser Raffle winner will be drawn at the December 9th meeting.  
  • The Club December Board meeting in this Tuesday, December 8 at 5PM.
Weekly Update December 6, 2020 2020-12-06 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  November 29, 2020

Last Week's Meeting

Linda Brennan Phd. shared practical tips for "Making it a Great COVID Winter".  Linda shared her slides and are available for members.  Find it here.

This Week's Meeting
Our next club event is the Christmas get together on Sunday, December 6th at 5pm.
On Wednesday, December 9th
Join us for a presentation by Susan Schultz, Museum of Broadcast Communications . "The Role Broadcast Media Played in the 2020 Election".
Thought and Pledge: Beth DeWall
Other News:
  • Heidi Voorhees and Beth DeWall have organized support for the Wilmette Lunch Club effort to assist with purchasing sleeping bags for the homeless in Chicago.  If you are interested in supporting, please contact Heidi or Beth.
  • Jim Pockross hosted a ZOOM Thanksgiving - Giving Thanks Call on Thursday morning at 9:00 am.  About 10 club members and family attended in what we hope will be an annual (in person) event.   Thanks Jim for organizing!
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will next meet on December 10th at 5:00 pm.   
  • Our Holiday Fundraiser is well under way.  Jim Pockross reports that 50% of club members have participated as of November 27th.  Please find the easy to complete form on the website or see below.  Brent Hendricks sent out a helpful FaceBook posting for members to share. 
Weekly Update November 29, 2020 2020-11-29 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  November 22, 2020

Last Week's Meeting
Our club forum focused on:
  • 2020 -2021 Club Goals - Thanks to our members hard work we are doing very well in achieving our Governor's Challenge Goals. Jim Pockross is keeping us on task!
  • Community Assessment - Corinne McClintic shared the report last week and led a discussion on how we can use the information for shot and long term planning.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee - Susan Fisher provided and update and got input from the membership.  Next meeting scheduled (see below).
  • Learned tips on sharing/posting club information on social media - Thank you Brent Hendricks whose tips will be very helpful with our Fall/Winter Fundraiser.
This Week's Meeting
Join us for a presentation by Linda Brennan. Phd  "Making it a Great COVID Winter"

About our speaker:

Linda’s career has spanned management and engineering positions at Philip Morris, IBM, the Quaker Oats Company, and the Coca-Cola Company; consulting in dozens of industries, and teaching leadership, management, and strategy to audiences from undergraduates to executives.

Her passion is to help others to help themselves for maximum impact.  Working with ambitious and dedicated professionals, she stresses the importance of working toward a clear vision with intentionality and accountability to provide bottom-line improvement.  Clients realize greater organizational performance and individual effectiveness as a result. 

A seasoned professional and creative problem solver, she is a widely published author. She completed her PhD from Northwestern University, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and her bachelor’s from the Georgia Institute of Technology. A Six Sigma Black Belt, she earned her professional engineering license in Georgia and has been a certified Project Management Professional.  

Other News:

  • Heidi Voorhees and Beth DeWall organized support for with Wilmette Lunch Club effort to assist with purchasing sleeping bags for the homeless in Chicago.  Thus far our members has funded over 20 sleeping bags!   If you are interested in supporting, please contact Heidi or Beth.
  • Jim Pockross will host a ZOOM Thanksgiving - Giving Thanks Call on Thursday morning at 9:00 am.  All are welcome and we encourage members to invite family members to attend.  Find ZOOM Details on the web site. 
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will next meet on December 10th at 5:00 pm.   
  • Carol Wells shared that past President/Club Member - Rob Davis - lost his mother earlier this month.  If you would like to send him a card/note it can be sent to:
    Rob Davis
    P.O. Box 169
    2917 Settlement Rd.
    Ephraim, WI  54211
Weekly Update November 22, 2020 2020-11-22 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update  November 15, 2020

Last Week's Meeting
End Polio Now District Chair, Glenn Garlick provided a twenty-five-minute presentation of this year's Polio theme "Be Like Jack".  Glenn shared stories about the Gates family original connection with Rotary and the End Polio cause as well as famous individuals who overcame polio.  
Mariana Alfar of the Wilmette Rotary Lunch Club asked for our clubs help with purchasing sleeping bags for the Sister of Notre Dame's homeless shelter in the city.  Watch for more information on how we can support this important cause.
This Week's Meeting
We will host a club forum to
  • review our recently completed Community Assessment - 
  • get an update on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
  • hear tips on sharing/posting club information on social media
  • discuss 2020 -2021 Club Goals
Other News:
  • Our Fall/Winter Fundraiser is officially launched with wines, food items, and raffle prizes finalized.  See the article below.  Committee will receive orders on Saturday, November 21 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am at Panera Wilmette. 
  • Susan Fisher and George Pearce hosted our second Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion meeting on November 12th at 5:00 pm.   Thanks for the great ideas and participation.  More information will be shared at the Club Forum this Wednesday.
  • The Community Assessment document was distributed last Friday.  Thanks again to Corinne McClintic and committee members for their efforts on this exciting project.
Weekly Update November 15, 2020 2020-11-15 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update 

Last Week's Social Meeting
We had a nice group join us at 4:30 pm on Wednesday at the Village Hall for an informal outdoor socially distanced get-together. The weather was absolutely perfect and it was great to see everyone.  
This Week's Weekly Meeting
End Polio Now District Chair, Glenn Garlick will provide a twenty-five-minute presentation of this year's Polio theme "Be Like Jack". 
Other News:
  • Our Fall/Winter Fundraiser is officially launched with wines, food items, and raffle prizes finalized.  See the article below.
  • November ZOOM Board meeting is this Tuesday at 5:00 pm.
  • Susan Fisher and George Pearce will host our second Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion meeting on November 12th at 5:00 pm.   
  • Operation Warm coats arrived and were distributed this past week!  Thanks again to Hank Huffnagel and George Pearce for coordinating.
Weekly Update 2020-11-08 06:00:00Z 0
Holiday Fundraiser Beth 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update 

Last Week's Meeting
Mike and Mary McLaughlin, founders of not-for-profit Trees That Feed Foundation provided an inspirational presentation of their organization. The foundation plants fruit trees to feed people, create jobs, and benefit the environment. In its effort to combat food insecurity and protect the environment with sustainable agroforestry, the foundation has blossomed in 12 years from a small-scale distributor of seedlings to a provider of nearly 200,000 breadfruit, mango, avocados, and other fruit-bearing trees for orchards, small farms, backyard plots, and urban gardens in 18 countries, including Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Kenya, and Pakistan. Our club was one of Mary's first presentations and earliest contributors. Thanks to Susan Fisher for sponsoring the talk,
This Week's Social Meeting
Join us at 4:30 pm on Wednesday at the Village Hall for an informal outdoor socially distanced get-together. Bring a chair, your drink of choice, and a Luminaire (solar light - if you have one).  
Other News:
  • Our Fall/Winter Fundraiser is officially launched with wines, food items, and raffle prizes finalized.  An easy online purchase is available on our website.  Thank you Brent Hendricks for the work developing the very easy-to-use electronic order form.  More information was sent by Jim Waite
  • Big thank you to Frank Hussey and all the volunteers who worked October 23, 24 and 25th and those who contributed for World End Polio Day. Early numbers were close to $2,000.
  • Susan Fisher and George Pearce hosted our first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion meeting October 29th. A follow-up meeting is scheduled for November 12th at 5:00 pm.   
Weekly Update 2020-11-01 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update 

Last Week's Meeting
We enjoyed a presentation by the Rotary Club Prague International providing us with a perspective from a Rotary club in Europe.  We had 5 Prague club members attend and we learned about the club history, their fundraising projects and a little about Prague and their COVID status.   The Prague Club invites our club to participate in an upcoming Dragon Boat event.
This Week's Meeting
Join us for a presentation by the Trees That Feed Foundation: 

WHAT WE DO:  We plant fruit trees

In Haiti, Jamaica, Antigua, The Bahamas, Barbados, Costa Rica, Dominica, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent, Suriname, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Pakistan, Tanzania, Uganda, and U.S. Virgin Islands.  We donate breadfruit trees, mango trees, avocados, cashews, and many others.

Our vision is seeing self-sustaining communities and entrepreneurs, based on agroforestry

Other News:
  • The Community Assessment Project continues with more successful interviews completed last week. 
  • Our Fall/Winter Fundraiser is launched with wines, food items, and raffle prizes finalized.  An easy online purchase is available on our website.  Thank you Jim Pockross, and committee members for organizing!
  • Coats are ordered and on their way for the Warm Coats Project.  
  • Rotarians were out this weekend honoring World End Polio Day. Thank you Frank Hussey for organizing.
  • Susan Fisher hosts our first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion meeting Thursday evening.  Look at the website for more information. 
Weekly Update 2020-10-25 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update

Last Week's Meeting
We had an enjoyable get-together Wednesday evening at the Wilmette Harbor Club.   Maureen Barry organized a short agenda with questions for members to share COVID 19 experiences and discuss how we can support each other.  Some of the positive experiences shared by the club members:
  • Chance for walks and observe nature (parks, birds, flowers) 
  • New puppy
  • Learn Pickleball
  • Finish projects
  • Sidewalk chalk art with grand-daughter
  • Slow down and catch up on sleep
  • Reconnections with old friends, nearby and around the world 
It was a beautiful fall evening and a nice chance to catch up with fellow Rotarians.  Beth DeWall distributed Rotary masks which we will make available to club members.
This Week's Meeting
Join us Wednesday morning for a presentation by Katherine Sawyer of Oakton Community College and scholarship recipient Beata Geryk to discuss our Karen Kline Scholarship Program.
Other News:
  • The Community Assessment Project is underway with the thoughtful leadership of Corinne McClintic.  Contact Corinne if you have questions or want to help.
  • We have a new map of Wilmette identifying the various Rotary Wilmette Harbor projects.  Thank you George Pearce and Kate Amoruso at the Village for getting this together. 
  • Watch for more information for an End Polio Now effort for Saturday, October 24th (World Polio Day).
  • Looking for ZOOM meeting information at the last minute?   Access the website and click on the event to find ZOOM info.  Also, consider downloading CR (Club Runner) app to your smartphone for easy access to member data and meeting information.
  • District Club Training "Have you done a club virtual check-up" has a two-part program on October 22nd and 29th.  Contact Jim Pockross for more information.
Weekly Update 2020-10-11 05:00:00Z 0

Weekly Update

Last Week's Meeting:   
We had good attendance and participation at our weekly meeting Wednesday morning.  The League of Women Voters of Wilmette provided a presentation regarding the Illinois Fair Tax Amendment.
This Week's Meeting:
Our first Monday of the month social meeting will be held at the Wilmette Harbor Club at 5:00 pm.  We plan to meet outdoors and adhere to all health safety guidelines.  Please join us for a rare opportunity to connect during the pleasant Fall weather.  
Other Updates:
Watch for information regarding our club's plans for World Polio Day on Saturday, October 24, 2020.
The Community Service Committee will host a training session this Wednesday morning for the Community Assessment Project. All members are welcome. This project is moving forward in conunction with the Noon Club.  Thanks to Corinne McClinitic for your efforts to lead this exciting project.
Weekly Update 2020-10-04 05:00:00Z 0

Village Cleanup

Several Club members worked on Sunday to pick up debris throughout the center of the Village. Members that participated included John Kessler, George Pearce, Puran Stevens, Beth DeWall, Ben Ivory and Susan Fisher. Not pictured: Jim Pockross.
Village Cleanup Beth DeWall 2020-09-28 05:00:00Z 0

Village Planting

Seven enthusiastic Club members worked with the Village of Wilmette Engineering and Public Works staff to plant several areas in front of Village Hall with new perennials. As part of a district grant, our Club donated $5,200 to help defray the $,700 cost of the 1,368 new plants.  The planting crew of Club members were George Pearce, Beth DeWall, Corinne McClintic, Susan Fisher, Jim Bowman, Jim Waite, Mike Bailey and John Kessler. Not pictured:  key team member Corinne McClintic.
Village Planting Beth DeWall 2020-09-26 05:00:00Z 0

Pollinator Corridor Project in Wilmette

This summer, the Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor sponsored the Pollinator Coordinator Project at the SE corner of Lake and Laramie Avenues in Wilmette.  This exciting project will return native plantings to the area, eliminate the need for mowing by the village, reduce carbon emissions and save the Village labor costs for many years. Pictured: Member George Pearce
Pollinator Corridor Project in Wilmette Beth DeWall 2020-09-25 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary's Pasek Garden

The Rotary Pasek Garden, located just inside Gillson Park between Sheridan and Michigan Ave., is maintained by Club members who have spent many hours weeding, designing, re-designing, planting, and maintaining the garden in Spring, Summer and Fall. It is a visual testament to our Club’s dedication in keeping Wilmette beautiful.
Rotary's Pasek Garden Beth DeWall 2020-09-14 05:00:00Z 0

Community Assessment Project

Corinne McClintic provided an update to the community needs assessment project.
Corinne is coordinating the project with the Wilmette  Rotary (Noon) Club. 
The plan is to interview key people in the community to get their perspective on community needs that are not being met.  Interviews will begin soon with a report developed before the holiday season.  
The initial focus is the Wilmette area and it is hoped that we will uncover some needs and can develop a joint service project with the noon club to address those needs.
For more information or if you are interested in helping, please contact Corinne McClintic or Jim Pockross.
Community Assessment Project 2020-08-23 05:00:00Z 0